chapter fifty seven - don't worry

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justins p.o.v

i suddenly hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs. i then feel kyle being ripped off of me and thrown to the ground. i move back away from them as raegan stands above kyle. i wipe my mouth with my hands and shirt. i cant believe he kissed me.

"what the hell do you think you're doing?!"raegan asks kyle furious, his blood is boiling.

kyle doesn't answer and just tries to get up off the ground. raegan grabs his shirt and pushes him on on the couch.

"what the fuck, stop!" kyle shouts unexpectedly. raegan stands so he can't get off the couch.

"if you come near justin one more time i swear i'll-"

"you'll what?" kyle interrupts him.

"you've seen what i've done to dave. i can do much worse to you, you piece of shit." rae threatens.

"okay, let him go rae." i say quickly, tears swelling in my eyes. rae gives kyle a death glare and he gets up fast, running out the front door.

"it's okay baby." he comes closer to me and wraps his arms around me. i wrap my arms around his neck tightly and cling the rest of my body to him.

begin to sob into his shoulder/neck silently. that was one of the most frightening things i've ever experienced. if raegan wasn't here, what could of that turned in to?

"i'm sorry raegan." i say in between sobs and he lifts my head so we are face to face. he pouts, trying to calm me down.

"it's okay, nothing is your fault." he rubs my cheeks, smiling slightly. "tell me what happened."

"he told me he loved me and then he just tried to get on top of me and kiss me. and he did at one point." i cover my eyes with my palms. trying to calm myself down.

"he-..he kissed you?" he asks blankly and i feel terrible.

"he was too strong for me and he just pulled me into him, i'm sorry. i didn't kiss back, i love you." i say, rushing my words.

"i know baby, i know." he says, rubbing my arm. "but he's dead now." he touches his forehead to mine. i chuckle a little, calming down.

"i'm surprised you didn't already kill him when you saw him on top of me." i tell him, he shrugs.

"i would of but i know you well enough to where i knew you wouldn't want me hurting him even after what he just did. but now, i might have no choice." he smiles sarcastically and i lean in to kiss him, rubbing my fingers through the hair on the back of his head.

"that scared me so bad. what if you weren't here?" my lips quiver as i think more about that. he shakes his head.

"don't think about that. i love you, you're safe." he brings me in for another hug, making sure i know i'm safe. we sit here for a few minutes, just enjoyed each other's embrace.

"i thought he was a good friend." i say quietly after a few minutes. then i shake my head slowly.

"i know you did." he rubs my back, keeping me close to him. "don't worry, you don't need him."

i nod and just stay in his arms, my breathing uneasy. i'm disappointed. i liked kyle a lot, he was a good friend. he was always so nice to me at the parties we went to.

"he was the only other person who could care enough to talk to me when you were with your friends. especially at those crazy parties." i tell raegan quietly and he nods, knowing that.

"i may not have liked kyle really ever, but i know he did make you happy at those parties." he says and i lift my head up, our faces now close to each other's. i just nod at him, grinning. "i promise the rest of the parties i'll keep you by my side. we'll have fun together." he smiles.

"okay." i say to him, kissing him sweetly on the lips. he kisses back, only for me to be surprised by the way he's kissing me.

he slides his tongue into my mouth right away and we start kissing harder. i wrap my arms around his neck slightly and tug at the hair on the back of his head. a slight moan comes out from his mouth unexpectedly and i smirk.

his hands touch every single inch of my body and soon, his right hand gets to the front of my pants. he unzipped my jeans and slid them down my legs a little. he was rubbing me threw my boxers and i moan in his mouth. this feeling is like no other.

"can i take these off?" he whispers against my lips, referring to my boxers. i nod quickly and help him slide those down as well. now i'm fully exposed from the waist down as i sit on his lap.

i feel his fingers rub me again down there and he pulls away from my lips. he kisses down to my neck and gives slow on my sensitive skin. after a minute, he pushes a finger into me. my mouth hangs open as i focus on what he's doing to me.

he puts in another finger and starts thrusting his fingers slowly in and out of me. i moan and he keeps going, sucking on my neck now at this point. i start to slightly jump so his entire fingers push threw me.

"mmmh." i keep my hands placed in his shoulders and he stops sucking on my neck. he brings his head up to look at me. he keeps his eyes on my face and the pleasure it hitting me. i almost feel embarrassed but i've known raegan for long enough.

"do i make you feel good baby?" he kisses my lips again i nod, feeling close. really close. his fingers are lips magic. he knows exactly what to do to make me feel good.

i stop jumping and he keeps slow, hard thrusts. he knows i'm close. i wrap my arms around him and moan loudly into his neck as i release all over his fingers. he slides them out and i stay sitting on him, breathing heavy against his body.

we go upstairs after a few and take a shower together. nothing sexual happens, just some kissing here and there. we go into my room and he checks the time.

"we have school tomorrow. i should get going." he says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"pick me up tomorrow??" i ask smiling. he tilts his head, pecking my lips.

"of course baby boy." he leans into my body and we give each other a right hug. he is too perfect. perfect in every single way.

"i love you." i say as we pull away.

"i love you more." he kisses my forehead and walks out my bedroom door, going to leave my house. i fall back onto my bed and look up at the ceiling.

gotta love smut😃
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