chapter fourty nine - more about us

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justins p.o.v

raegan and i stay close, enjoying each other company. i know he's sort of confused about all of this but i'm so happy he's trying. for himself and me. he's still the same kid.

"justin?" i hear him say and i look up at him.

"yeah?" i ask curious about what he's going to say.

"my mom told me a little about myself but can you tell me more about us?" he asks and i nod my head. i move away from his shoulder so we can look at each other better.

"sure um, we first started as just 'fuck buddies' you can say." i start and giggle a little. "then i caught feelings for you hard after the first time we uh..had sex." i say and his eyes widen a little.

"oh, okay." he says awkward and blushes a little.

"i didn't tell you for a while because i didn't want to admit it. i thought you'd never like me back. but eventually i did and you were sort of mad because i told you i wouldn't catch feelings. you kept hanging out with me though and we still kissed a lot and all that stuff. then came the day where i accidentally told you i loved you." i say and he looks at me very intensely. then he looks confused at the end.

"how did you tell me you loved me accidentally?" he asks.

"we were kissing and all's i kept thinking in my head was oh my god, i love this kid so much. so so much. and i guess it just came out." i say and he nods, ready to listen come more.

"you didn't love me back at the time but you still stuck with me. we had ups and downs but every day it seemed like. you didn't want to hurt me but you didn't feel the same. you've always cared, rae." i touch just cheek lightly and rub it with my thumb.

"i would hope so. it seems like we've been through a lot after all." he smiles and touches my hand with his, melting to my touch. i nod.

"then one day, we got in a big fight and we didn't talk for a week. i thought i was never going to talk to you again." i say.

"then what happened?" he asks looking the most curious out of this whole story.

"then after that week, you came over telling me you couldn't do something anymore. i was confused on what you meant. you then told me that you were scared because you didn't want the school to know that you loved me. and that was the first time you said to me. i cried." i explain and laugh at the end. he smiles. "we got together that same day and it was amazing."

"wow." is all he says, staring at me.

"you've always doubted yourself around me and i didn't like it. one time we went to your friend dave's party and i made a new friend kyle. dave got you really drunk and embarrassed me in front of everyone at the party." i tell him and he pouts.

"why would he do that?" he asks me.

"we had trouble with dave, shane, and caleb but they apologized to me and i'm just glad that will be over." i explain to him.

"dave didn't like us together since day one. and he wanted you to cheat on me at one of his parties." i say and he raises an eyebrow.

"b-but i never did...right?" he asks me and i just nod slowly. he starts to look upset

"i was so mad but it's okay now, you were drunk and you didn't know. you didn't stop talking to me and telling me you loved me. i told you we could work it out." i say trying to calm him down. i get close to his face so he can look at me but he doesn't.

"i hurt you." his voice cracks a little. "why would i do that? you seem like an amazing boyfriend." he tells me and i smile at him. he finally looks at me with sad eyes and i want to kiss him so bad but i can't yet. he needs to be ready.

"you didn't know but i forgive you raegan. you are an amazing boyfriend too." i tell him. "don't worry about that, it's over." i say.

"was that our last fight?" he asks me and i shake my head.

"no." i say. "you were texting your ex saying that you were friends and i didn't trust you. i don't know why i didn't, i should of." i say and he keeps his eyes on me.

"that's weird though, to text your ex in front of your new partner." he says. "are you still mad at me about that?" he asks and of course i'm not. i'm just happy he's okay after that accident.

"no no, i'm just so happy that you're okay. you got a few bumps and bruises and you don't remember me but it could've been worse. i thought i lost you." i tear up a little and he pouts, scanning my face.

"you won't lose me. it may seem like you did in a way but just help me to remember more and i hope i can." he now smiles, staying positive once again. "i can see why i love you now." he tells me and my cheeks turn pink at his words.

i lean my head against his shoulder again and relax. my arms stay securely around him, never wanting to move.

we hear a knock at the door and then it opens, the doctor coming in with his parents. then dave, shane, and caleb behind them. they all smile a little when they see us.

"does he remember anything jay?" dave asks and i shake my head.

"no, but i just told him a lot about us. maybe it'll help in the long run." i grin and dave nods lightly.

the doctor comes over and checks raegan's monitor and some other things.

"so good news, hopefully." he starts. "since raegan remembered his parents, i'm thinking that the more you tell him about his life and what goes on he may remember eventually. which is more than we could ever ask for." he says and i see everyone in the room smile. i look up at rae and he is too. this is great news.

"that's great doctor." rae says to him.

"we've ran lots of tests and you're all set to get home tonight. be careful, even though you can't feel it so much your upper body is a bit bruised from the impact." he explains and his parents nod. "i also recommend keeping him home from school for a little while so you can keep talking to him and getting him through this tough time."

"absolutely." his mother says. "thank you. for everything."

"my pleasure." he smiles and walks out of the room.

"you're like a miracle, raegan." his father says smiling and rae laughs a little.

i look at him quickly before untangling myself from him and getting out of his bed. his friends are giving me a questioning look and i just nod, smiling a little. they smile back and all look at each other.

"let's get you home." his mom says happily.

hehe cute
i'm bored :( comment and vote plz

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