chapter fifty four - relax

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justins p.o.v

"party time!" rae yells as he helps me pick out a better outfit in my closet. "that's perfect." he compliments my black jeans and new shirt.

"you sure?" i ask looking in the closet.

"yes, i love it. that's all that matters unless you got a hot date at the party." he teases, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"maybe i do." i turn around smiling, wrapping my arms now around his neck.

"oh really?" he asks raising his eyebrows. i nod proudly at him, staring into his eyes.

"yup, you're just my fashion designer." when i say that, his mouth drops but he's still smiling.

"i hope i'm more than that because you look tooo good." he leans forward to kiss me sweetly, grabbing my hips now with his hands.

"i guess i'll have to see if my hot date is hotter than you tonight." i wink at him, pretending to whip back the long hair that i don't have and walking away. i walk out of my bedroom and downstairs. he follows down behind me quickly.

"you are lucky you're cute." he grabs my hand as he comes down the stairs and i laugh. we walk out of the house to see the sun going down.

we get in my car and i drive to dave's house for the party. when we show up, there are a good amount of cars. there should be more showing up soon.

we walk to the front door hand in hand and walk in, dave greets us as we stop foot inside.

"hey guys." he says with a solo cup in his hand.

"hi dave." rae greets back and i give him a smile. rae lets go of my hand and wraps his arm around me.

"there should be more people showing up soon. like always, have fun. there is beer in the kitchen of course." he says, taking a sip from his cup.

"got it, thank you." rae says and dave turns around, walking back to the kitchen. all of a sudden, about ten people walk through the door and make their way to the kitchen.

"so.." i hear rae say. "what's my limit tonight?" he asks and i roll my eyes playfully.

"how many before you're drunk? because you are not getting that tonight." i say trying to ask serious.

"okay so a few, i'll take that." he nods, agreeing with what i said.

"you don't mind?" i ask nicely and he shakes his head.

"of course not. i've done enough, have i not?" he rolls his eyes this time and i know what he means.

"yeah yeah." i tease, trying not to think about the past.

"justin." i hear behind me and i turn around suddenly, seeing kyle walk in.

"kyle oh my god!" i get closer to him, giving him a quick hug. he hugs back, smiling.

"we haven't talked in a while." he says and i nod, realizing we haven't. "i miss you."

"yeah same to you." i say and glance back at raegan quick. he's looking at kyle and i can't tell what he's thinking.

"babe?" i get close to rae and he looks back at me. "i'm gonna catch up with kyle, okay?" i ask and he doesn't do anything. he pulls me to the side gently.

"does he still like you?" he asks curiously. he doesn't seem mad which i'm surprised.

"i'm not sure to be honest but nothing will happen. we're just going to talk." i tell him and look to see kyle standing there, not looking at us. "i promise love."

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now