chapter thirty four - lay off

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justin's p.o.v

the next morning is the thing i most dreaded. i know raegan would really feel it from last night. i woke up slowly, stretching and looking over at him. i get out of bed as carefully as i can and go downstairs quick. i grab two pills of medicine to help his head and a glass of water.

i walk back up stairs and open my bedroom door. as i do, his eyes open slowly and he groans. "babe?" he asks quietly.

"hey good morning." i ask going over to the bed. i stand beside it and put the pill and water on the nightstand.

"what happened?" he asks, his voice deep and groggy.

"first off, how do you feel?" i ask. he shrugs.

"i feel okay." he says. next thing i know he sits up and immediately falls back down. "fuck, nevermind that." he puts his hand on his head in pain.

"here." i laugh a little, picking up the pill and water. i hand it to him and he takes the pill and drinks some of the water. i sit on the edge of the bed next to him. i move his hair from his forehead.

"justin why can't i remember anything from last night?" he asks, his eyes closed and his head on the pillow.

"same reason why you're head is killing you right now." i say. he groans again, opening his eyes slightly to look at me.

"i got drunk. bad." he says. i just nod, leaning down and kissing him sweetly. "i'm sorry, were you okay?" he asks. i give him a little smile.

"it wasn't your fault and yeah i talked to kyle all night." i tell him.

"what do you mean it wasn't my fault? and kyle..dave's friend?" he asks both questions confused. it's funny how i have to explain this to him AGAIN.

"yeah that kyle, he's really sweet actually. he helped me drag you out to the car after dave purposely got you back out drunk and embarrassed me in front of everyone." i say and he raises an eyebrow.

"embarrassed you?" he looks clueless.

"you ran upstairs go to puke in the bathroom and everyone heard dave telling me that you're in dream thinking you love me and you needed a reminder you can still have fun even though you're with me." i say, sighing at the end.

"oh my god." he whines sounding annoyed. "i'm going to kill 'em." he rubs his head again.

"and then kyle told him to cut it out and he said i'm brainwashing people to like me." i finish off and he pouts at me.

"shit babe." he leans up looking like he's trying to ignore his massive headache. he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "i shouldn't have convinced you to go, it's my fault."

"no no." i say, turning to face him. "you just wanted to have fun. dave's just an asshole that will never get used to us dating and will always try to harass me whenever he gets the chance." i shrug at him and he just keeps looking at me. my eyes to my lips every 2 seconds. "promise me to never get drunk like that again though."

"i love you. i promise. i'll make sure that doesn't happen." he says and smiles.

"i love you too." i say smiling back. he's so wholesome.

"want to get some breakfast?" he asks. i nod and help him out of bed.

"jump around, get that hangover out of here." i laugh and jump up and down. he laughs at me and shakes his head. before we walk out of his room i think of something else.

"oh!" i say quickly and loudly. he looks at me, curious. "he also told me how the hell could i want someone who gets drunk so easily and will drink anything anyone gives him?" i say and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"okay i get it." he grabs my waist, picking me up off the ground and swinging me over his shoulder. i shout, not expecting it. he walks out of his room and as he's walking down the short hallway i quickly turn and lift my upper body so i'm around the back of his neck. he laughs and let's go of my legs. now i'm on his back somehow, however that happened.

he walks down the stairs with both of laughing but before he can get down the last step, he dead stops in his tracks. i look at him confused and then notice someone's at the door. dave.

"hi raegan." he says standing inside, not even acknowledging me. i get off raegan's back and stand beside him as he gets down the floor from the stairs.

"why the hell are you here?" rae asks. i look at my right and see raegans mother at the kitchen entrance looking at us. i nudge rae and he sees. "lets go outside and talk."

we all walk outside and raegan shuts the door.

"why did you bring him out here?" dave asks raegan. i interfere.

"i'm right here, you can ask me yourself. raegan's not your little bitch." i cross my arms and he looks at me, irritated. rae comes closer to me and kisses my forehead quickly.

"i came to see how you were doing after last night raegan." he says and i want to slap that smirk off his face.

"you need to lay off." rae says to dave. "you getting me drunk at parties and trying to get me to "have fun" and embarrass justin is just a douche move." he gets closer to him.

"it wasn't bad, what i did. but you don't know what you're doing. you can't really love-"

"well i do. and there's nothing you can do about it. and oh no it was bad dave. don't think i forgot." rae says and i look at him confused. what's he talking about?

"forgot what?" he asks with attitude. it's silent for a moment.

"raegan?" i ask behind him. he doesn't move. he just keeps staring at dave.

"i might have been drunk out of my mind. but i didn't forget about you trying to get me to sleep with bella." he says and my eyes open wide. he didn't tell me that!

"what!?" i shout and dave looks down at the ground. "i'm going to-"

"hey hey." rae stops me as i try to get closer to dave. "it's okay." he tries to grabs my hand.

"it's not okay! you're just jealous alright dave. raegan has someone he cares about and he doesn't pay as much attention to you and those other assholes. well get used to it." i go off on him while raegan makes sure i don't get close

"you're crazy." dave says staring right at me.

"yeah i'm totally the crazy one." i say staring back to him. "i'm going inside." i stomp up the stairs and open the front door, going inside. i shut the front door and go over to the sitting room, putting my head in my hands.

after a minute of rae still being out there, i look out the window where you can see the front yard and see dave shaking his head at raegan. then i think he said "goodbye raegan" if my lip reading skills aren't terrible.

the door opens and raegan walks in. i look at him desperate to know what dave said.

"i don't trust him." he starts still standing right when you walk into the house. "he won't accept it."

i sigh, leaning back on the couch. he's such a crazy, jealous, annoying person.

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