chaptert thirty three - hate

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justin's p.o.v

we make it outside and shut the front door, trying to avoid the loud obnoxious music. we stand on porch outside and he puts his drink down. then, he pulls out a cigarette.

"so justin.." he continues lighting the cigarette. "tell me about yourself." he says paying close attention to me.

"well i'm-" i'm abruptly cut off by the front door swinging open, almost hitting me full on. i move and see raegan stumbling outside. he's not blackout drunk but he's close to it.

"woah babe." i go up to him and help him so he can stand.

"how you doingggg jay?" he says slurring his words.

"rae i got to get you home-"

"who's this?" he asks looking at kyle.

"this is kyle. kyle this is raegan as you already know." i say and kyle waves, smoke coming from his mouth.

"oh you're dave's friend. and dave hates justin." he looks from kyle to me. "w-why are you hanging with him?" he almost whispers at me.

"well you weren't there to talk to so i found someone else." i tell him saying the truth. he pouts playfully and leans down to kiss me quickly. i can taste the alcohol. then he wraps his arms around my neck.

"aye raegan!" the front door opens more than it was before and dave stands there. people surrounding him too paying attention. "come back inside we are doing shots!" he pulls raegans arm and drags him back in the house. before i know it he's back in the kitchen and the door is back to closed.

"wow." is all i hear kyle say. i sigh, putting my hand in my forehead.

"he said i wouldn't regret this night." i say our loud when i really meant to keep it to myself.

"hey don't worry about him." i look up and see kyle shrugging at me. "what are you going to do? dave will make sure he stays for a while." more smoke comes from his mouth and i inhale some. i cough to the side and he moves the cigarette away. "shit sorry."

"no it's okay." i grin. "i've never really been good around smoke." i add. he takes it out of mouth and puts the end of it against the brick house. then throws it on the grass. "oh you didn't have to."

"oh please." he smiles. "it's totally fine." he picks his cup back up and takes a sip. "so want to worry about your boyfriend or actually have a good night?" he asks. i think for a moment and i guess he's  right. i cant be raegans babysitter. and like he said, dave won't let raegan leave for a while. it's only 11:00. i give him a smile indicating it's the second option he said.

it's been an hour and kyle and i have been outside this whole time. turns out he's really fun to talk to and he's got a lot of interesting stories.

"no way!" i shout laughing my ass off as i sit on one o of the chairs outside. he's leaning against the porch fence.

"no no like i'm serious." he laughs back with me and shakes his head playfully.

"like he actually- he really.."

"faked it the whole time. never even knew what he was missing." he says talking about his little brother. we sit there for a moment in silence after our laughter dies down. i check my phone and see its 12:00.

"shit its twelve. i should check on raegan." i say putting my phone back in my pocket.

"yeah of course. i'll come in with you." he says and i nod, opening the front door.

the first thing i see that makes my heart start racing is raegan. he's stumbling/running past me and up the stairs looking like he's about to puke his brains out. then i see dave walking out of the kitchen looking at me.

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now