chapter thirty - just ask

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justin's p.o.v

it's monday now and all's i know is that i do not want to go to school. i mean i love seeing raegan but i see him more when there is no school. we hung out all weekend, it was so fun!

i'm in rae's car now as he drives us to school. this is probably going to be a daily school day thing. he keeps his hand on my thigh the whole drive to school and will occasionally look over and smile at me.

"why do i feel more nervous than you?" i ask when we are two minutes away. he looks over quick.

"why?" he asks.

"i know people don't like me and i don't know..what if something happens? i mean your friends obviously told the whole school already." i say. he squeezes my thigh in a comforting way.

"i won't let anything happen to you." he tells me and i grin at him, nodding. i know he won't, but these kids in our school are horrible sometimes.

we arrive at school and we both get out of the car. he comes over to the passenger side and intertwines our hands. "don't worry baby." he kisses my forehead before we start walking into school.

to a great surprise, dave, shane, and the other friend are right at the entrance like normal. rae won't leave to go with them..right?

i look up at rae and see he gives them a quick glance, and then turns in the direction of our lockers. we just walk away and i can't help but almost laugh to myself at that.

as we make our way to our lockers, which are close to each other, we receive many stares. most people just looked shocked but of course you're going to have the ones who look disgusted and the ones that actually give us a little smile. i expected this.

when we get to my locker, he lets go of my hand. i open it, grabbing some stuff quickly. i look over at him and he's looking over my head to someone or something down the hall.

"you okay?" i ask him. "is this bothering you-"
i'm cut off by him grabbing my face gently and leaning down to connect our lips. i'm taken back at the quickness of it but then i melt into the kiss. i hear some gasps around us.

we pull away and smile at each other. i turn my head to see his friends looking at us, with their eyes wide open. shocked and angry, they all turn around and walk the other way. well, that changed their mind.

"this is not bothering me at all." he says to me. i nod, closing my locker and walking to his with him.

when i turn to go to his locker down the hall, i already see that same girl i caught him kissing a few times after we had sex. she's standing right at it. i slow down a little, dropping raegan as well because our hands are intertwined again. he looks over at me and sees me staring at her. he looks and notices too, because he tugs at my arm a little.

"it's okay, i'll make her leave." he says and i don't respond. i just walk with him.

when we get there, she immediately smiles at him. he completely ignores her and opens his locker. i stand on the other side of him.

"hi raegan." she says all perky, touching his arm. he gets the stuff out of his locker quick as he moves his arm away so her hand slides off.

"what do you want bella?" he asks, sounding completely uninterested. good, that's my man.

"oh just thought you'd want to see me. you know we are together a whole lot after all." she says glancing at me for a second and then smiling back at him.

"were together, and it meant nothing." he says, putting his arm around my shoulders. i look at her and wrap my arms around his torso. she looks pissed.

"oh you know it did mean something. to both of us." she slowly gets closer, but i take action to move raegan and i back a little since i am holding onto his body. she gives me a death stare.

"hm no it didn't. i have a boyfriend now so you mean nothing to me. not like you ever did." rae gives her a little smirk and looks down at me. i let go of his torso and he grabs my hand again.

"oh come on!" she says a little louder as we try to walk away. people start looking. is this bitch serious? "we had fun rae and i know it wasn't nothing. i'll speak on behalf of the whole school when i say you can't seriously love him." she says emphasizing 'him'. wow i guess i really am that bad.

"i do love him and i don't care what you or the entire school thinks." he says and she crosses her arms. "you're just jealous bella. if you want to know what sex feels like again with me, just ask justin." he's louder than i expected.

her mouth drops at his words and the whole hallway starts whispering. she walks away, her face red from what seems like anger and embarrassment. the bell rings and he looks at me. i giggle a little and so does he. we walk to class.

"too much?" he asks.

"not enough knowing her." i say and laugh a little. he really has changed. he loves me. we get to my first period and he kisses me.

"i love you." he says.

"i love you too." i say back.

"see you later handsome." he messes with my hair a little and walks away. i go into first first period with a smile on my face.

the end of the day finally came. it's been an extremely long monday. i wait at my locker for raegan and once i see him walking down the hallway. a smile appears on my face. he comes up to me and hugs me.

"hey, you want to come over?" he asks me. i nod, kissing him hoping everyone is watching.

we leave the school and get into his car. he starts driving to his house. being totally honest, i did not expect raegan to act like this today. i really did something to him, and i'm glad i did.

hope everyone is safe!
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