chapter twelve - i get it

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justin's p.o.v:

i'm suddenly awakened by someone shaking me lightly and then i hear a voice.

"jay?" i turn around a little and see reagan shaking me. i didn't even know i fell asleep.

"yeah?" i ask.

"it's getting kind of late. i'm going to head home." he says and i now notice it's getting dark. "the storm is over."

"oh, okay." i nod and he tries to quickly get up but i grab his arm before he can. he looks back at me.

"you okay?" he asks me. i shake my head slightly.

"i'm sorry." i say almost in a whisper. he just continues to stare at me.

"it's alright." he gives me a little smile and kisses my forehead before getting up and leaving my bedroom.

i quickly get off my bed and go over to my window. i watch as he gets in his car and he doesn't move for a second. he just sits there, looking at his lap. then, i see him take off down my street. wow, this has been a day.

time skip to the next day

i haven't talked to raegan since yesterday before he left my house. we didn't text or anything that night. i'm making my way into school right now and i get a weird feeling. i feel not as tough. i feel softer. i don't want to just hook up with anyone anymore. i have feelings for raegan. dammit why him?!

i open my locker and sigh, taking out all of my stuff of my locker that i need for the day. i shut it once i'm done, swinging my backpack over my shoulder. i turn around and see my worst nightmare. raegan. talking to the same girl he kissed that other day. i keep looking to see if he'd notice even though i don't want him to. but he doesn't. he's too focused on her.

i walk away, putting my head down and making my way to class. great way to start my day.

when the bell rang for lunch, i thought hard to myself. i don't want to see raegan with that girl and possibly other girls in the lunch room. so, i won't go.

i walked around the halls, thanking god that we don't have security like other schools. you're allowed to roam around during lunch or free periods. because that's exactly what i'm doing.

i finally sit down by my locker and go on my phone, relaxing. schools been stressful because i can't stop thinking about raegan. what the hell happened to me? i've completely changed.

i'm suddenly brought out of my thoughts when i hear a girl's voice saying raegan's name. i watch as she talks to her friend a few feet away, about to walk past me.

"yeah raegan told me he would come over today." she says and i recognize who it is. it's the SAME girl from the other day.

"ooo that's exciting." her friend says and winks at her. they keep walking and i can hear her saying her dirty thoughts about him. alright i'm gonna go puke.

i get up off the ground and walk away quickly, getting a head start to my next class. i'm mad. but i can't be. he's not mine. he knows how i feel but i don't expect him to do anything. but i sort of expect him to not totally ignore my feelings.

i suddenly bump into someone and i stumble back but catch myself.

"oh my god jay i'm sorry." HE grabs my hand making sure i'm okay. i look up to him and he laughs a little. "you okay?"

"yeah. i gotta go." i nod and try to walk away but he doesn't let go of my hand.

"hey wait." he says but i just try and rip away from his hand again and it works. "justin hold on-"

"no. i don't want to talk to you right now." i say abruptly and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"what's wrong?" he asks getting in front of me. i turn around, crossing my arms. "really?" he asks in a frustrated tone.

"oh why do you care?!" i say suddenly louder than i expected. "i know you lied to me and it seems like you don't care. so leave me alone." i say now facing him again giving him everything i have.

"lie about what? i never lied to you." he defends.

"oh really? well maybe your friend can help back that up for you." i fire back and he looks even more confused than ever.

"i do care. i care about you. what are you talking about?" he says and i shake my head, biting my tongue.

"that girl you kissed the other day is the same girl you're hanging with today. i thought she was just there when you kissed her." i explain to him and i can see him click. he knows what i'm talking about.

"woah woah justin i don't change people every single day. okay i'll go fool around with the same girl for a few days but it doesn't last-"

"why?!" i pretty much yell at him and bring my hands up in frustration now. "why does it have to be like that?"

"i don't know, it always has been. what can i do?" he asks seeming lost. he doesn't know what to do right now. i'm surprised.

"it just seemed like you like her but she obviously likes you." i say, my voice still full and loud.

"i don't! i just told you jay." he says loud like me as well. oh my god, why is this happening?

"but what are you going to do if she likes you-"

"alright just because i don't like you doesn't mean you have to fucking blow up on me. i'm not changing!" he cuts me off, his face full of anger. but..once he sees the instant tears in my eyes, his face softens. "hey, i'm sorry. i didn't mean-"

"no. no i get it." i wipe my eyes quickly and grab my backpack off the ground.

"that came out wrong." he says coming closer to me.

"no it didn't. you were mad and you just spit out of the truth you've wanted to for a while." i say walking away fast, trying to get somewhere where no one will see me about to burst into tears.

i sit behind the stairs in one of the stairwells and pull my knees in, digging my head into them. fuck. what did i do? why did he have to say that? why the hell did i get mixed up with this???

lowkey almost started tearing up.
hope you like this story :) literally no one reads jaegan anymore HAHAH

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