chapter fourty six - accident

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justin's p.o.v

that late evening i was relaxing on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. i have not talked to raegan at all. i don't want to. he pissed me off and i sure as hell pissed him off right back. i'm angry but i'm also upset because i hate when we fight. i just want him here but at the same time i don't want to see him at all.

i go downstairs to find a snack because i started to get hungry. i saw my parents in the kitchen. i said hi to them as i grabbed something, going to the sitting room for a moment. then, i got a call. an unknown number.

"hello?" i ask as i pick up the call.

"'s dave." i hear across the line and my eyes widen. i don't want to deal with his shit right now.

"i really don't want to deal with any shit right now dave." i tell him and he's silent for a moment.

"i'm not here for that. it's raegan.." he says and i start to get worried.

"what about him?" i ask quickly.

"he's in the hospital. you have to get down there." he says and my heart starts racing. but wait, this is dave we are talking about.

"stop fucking with me, this isn't funny." i tell him and i hear some rustling over the line.

"i'm not. my friends and i are on our way." he says and i'm really confused.

"dave you swear to god-"

"i swear! he got in a car accident. please just go." he says and i don't want to take any chances. my eyes start to fill with tears.

"okay." i say and hang up, putting on my shoes and grabbing a jacket. "mom, dad, i have to go." i say frantically.

"what happened honey?" my mom asks coming out of the kitchen.

"it's raegan. i need to go!" i say louder and run out of the house, getting into my car. i start it quick and back out of the driveway, speeding off.

holy shit. what happened? is he okay? oh my god the last thing we did was fight. he has to be okay. my baby.

i finally get there after what felt like ten years and rush inside. i see a lady at the front desk and i go up to her.

"hi i'm here for raegan beast." i say a little out of breath. she goes through some papers in front of her.

"what's the relation?" she asks nicely.

"i'm his boyfriend." i say quickly and she nods, pulling off her glasses.

"down the hall room 17." she says and i nod, thanking her. i rush down the hallway and see his parents in the hallway, talking.

"mr. and mrs. beast?" i ask and they both look at me. "it's justin, reagan's boyfriend." i say and his mom comes over to hug me tightly.

"thank you for coming justin." she says. i can see they've both been crying.

"of course, is he okay?" i ask and they both shrug.

"we don't know much yet. he's in here. dave and some other friends are already in there." she says and i take a deep breathe. they were the last people i wanted to see right now.

"okay, thank you." i say politely and open the door to his room, shaking a bit. the first thing i see is raegan hooked up a bunch of machines. he doesn't look good at all.

then my eyes catch dave, shane, and caleb are standing in the corner of the room, looking out the window. but when they hear the door open, they all look at me. i walk in and shut the door behind me. my eyes fill with heavy tears as i walk over to him.

"no." i say quietly, grabbing his hand gently. i look over at the boys and they all look upset and scared.

"justin i know you don't like us every much-"

"t-thanks for calling me." i cut dave off and he just nods, grinning a little. "do you guys know anything?"

"no the doctor hasn't said really anything yet. they are running tests." dave tells me and i look back at raegan. please be okay. this is because of me.

"this is my fault." i say, tears running down my cheeks. dave walks over to the other side of the bed and looks at me.

"no it's not." he shakes his head. i shouldn't take his kindness right now but i can't fight with him. raegan's hurt.

"we fought a few hours ago at my house and he left. if i had only trusted him, he would have stayed. i could have prevented this." i say, staring at raegan.

"you didn't know." he shakes his head. "i'm sorry this is happening." i look up at him when he says that, shocked.

the door opens slowly before i can say anything to dave and all of us look. his parents come in with the doctor.

"hello, i have some news coming back from the test." he says walking over. i move, standing at the end of the bed, putting my hands on the part of the end of his bed. "everyone is okay to hear this?" he asks, looking at raegans parents. they just nod.

"what is it?" his mom, anxiously. the doctor doesn't look happy.

"well unfortunately, it looks like raegan has suffered traumatic brain injury." he says and my eyes widen in disbelief. "his head hit very hard in the accident and we don't think he will remember much." the doctor says and his parents immediately look like they've seen a ghost.

"when will he wake up?" his dad asks.

"we don't know that yet." the doctors says and his parents walk out of the room, tears falling from their faces. "i'm very sorry." the doctor says as he leaves the room and i can hear him say the same thing to his parents.

"no." i say again, feeling my knees getting weak. i turn around to the three boys behind me and they all look at me. "no no no." i repeat. "no this isn't real. please this isn't real." i feel myself starting to collapse and i finally reach the floor, covering my face with my hands.

"justin." dave stands in front of me.

"he won't remember me. the last thing we did was have a dumb fight and i was so mad. now he's not even going to remember me." my face is soaked from all the tears at this point. i hear shane sniff his nose a little in the back, shaking his head.

"this isn't anyone's fault" dave says. "just a freak accident." he shrugs. he puts out his hand i take it as he helps me up off the floor. i take a chair, sitting next to raegan and taking his hand again.

"i'm right here baby." i say trying to hold back from breaking down. "please don't forget about me." i say putting my head down on the side of the bed.

"we'll leave you with him." dave says and the three of them walk to the door but i pick my head up.

"wait." i say quickly and they all turn to me. "he's your best friend, you don't need to leave him just because i'm here." i shake my head and i see dave smile a little through his tears.

"but you're his great boyfriend..." dave says and i smile. i can't be mad at anyone right now.

"yeah. we'll be back." caleb agrees and they walk out, shutting the door behind them. i turn back rae.

"rae, baby it's justin. i'm right here. i'm never leaving. i'll tell you everyday who i am while you're asleep so you don't forget me. please just fight to remember all the people you care about. even your friends who can be idiots sometimes." i say making myself chuckle at the end.

i can't believe this. we were just going to fix us after what he did. we were going to be okay. all good. but now he might not even know who i am. we've. even through so much but i never expected this. he doesn't deserve this.

"i'm sorry we fought. i'm sorry i didn't have all trust in you. just come back to me please. i need you." i squeeze his hand.

saddd wow i was tearing up over here
ahaha vote plzzz

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