chapter twenty eight - creepy

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justin's p.o.v

i told rae he could stay over my house tonight because my parents still won't be home until sunday. not that they would care anyway.

"so, your parents are gone because of their job?" he asks as we sit on couch still. i'm sitting next to him now facing him and he has an hand on my hip.

"yeah they said it's a vacation or something." i shrug. "i don't know how it works."

"so of course the week that i decide to be a little bitch, you're all alone." he pouts and i just nod.

"yup." i laugh a little. "are you hungry?" i ask him.

"yeah i could eat." he says. i stand up about to walk away but he grabs my hand. i look back at him.

"what? i'll go get us some food." i say confused.

"oh i didn't mean hungry so much for food.." he says pulling me back to him. my face heats up drastically.

"stoppp." i whine and he smirks at me, kissing me again.

"i'm kidding." he says. i raise an eyebrow at him. "well maybe not but you go get some food."

i get up again laughing and walk to the kitchen. i look everywhere for something we can eat that's not totally pathetic. i shouldn't have to be worried around him but i am. every little thing he does.

i'm standing in front of sink and i look up, looking out the window above it. i scream, stumbling back a little as i see what looked like people in my back yard on my deck right outside. raegan comes rushing in.

"hey hey you alright?" he comes close to me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"there are people in my backyard rae." i say and he looks at me furrowing his eyebrows. then he goes to the back door a few feet away and opens it, seeing who it is, i stand behind him and then i hear laughing.

"guys!" raegan shouts. i look to see his friends. his friends are in my damn backyard. "what the hell are you doing?"

"we followed you here." one says.

"okay that is very creepy." rae says and i grab his hand lightly behind him. he squeezes it.

"no." dave says, stepping closer. "what is so creepy is that you actually feel something for this loser."

"you're really looking for another punch in the face aren't you?" rae tries to get in his face but i hold his hand, keeping my place. he doesn't let go.

"don't rae." i say keeping him back.

"you lied to us." dave says, and his other friend agree.

"what is so bad about him? he never did anything to you guys and he's a good kid. you don't know him like i do. if you guys are really my friends you''ll accept the fact that i changed and i love justin." raegan explains and his friends still look at him with disgust. my eyes widen at what he just said.

"you love him?" the one who i don't know his name asks.

"yeah. we uh, we've been spending a lot of time together and i'm not hiding anymore. i don't care what you guys think of me. you can keep being my friend or not but i'm not gonna let you beat me up for this. he's the sweetest boy i've ever met." i smile at his words as he looks at me after he's done talking. his friends stand there in shock.

"we'll get back to you on that." dave says and starts to walk away with the group. rae turns around but i step around him.

"hey wait." i say and they all turn to look at me. one starts smirking and of course, it's dave. "raegan doesn't deserve to be friends with people like you. this is high school, people figure out who they are. they do things they never thought they'd ever do. why's is so bad?" i ask half nice, half attitude. they irritate me.

"kid, you know that raegan has always just fooled around with everyone so what i don't understand is that he fell for someone like you." again, i don't know this kids name who's talking to me right now.

"all i hear is 'someone like you' what does that mean? why am i so unlikable? can't you be happy for your best friend?" i ask, not trying to be a complete dick. i'm really curious. he gets sort of closer to me squinting at me.

"you're a no good, unpopular, waste of space in our school. i'm trying to save raegan the embarrassment in school." he says quietly while looking into my eyes, raegan pulls me back by my waist, pulling me behind him a little.

"shut your mouth shane." rae says, sounding angry. hm, an ugly name for an ugly kid.

"okay bye rae." dave says pulling shane away. my head fills with steam.

"you know what!" i shout and they all look at me again. "you don't understand how rae fell for someone like me but what i don't understand is how raegan is your 'best friend' and you're all one big  group that acts the same yet he fell for the kid you guys think is a loser." i grin at them trying to be a bitch. "see ya monday." i grab raegans hand and walk inside, slamming the back door.

once we are inside together, he comes close to me and kisses me unexpectedly. i kiss back and he holds my face lightly. he pulls away after a few seconds. then he leans his forehead against mine.

"are they right?" i whisper. i look into his eyes and he looks sad.

"no. not one bit." he responds. now they made me nervous i'm not good enough for raegan.

"i don't want to make you lose your friends. o-or be the laughing stock of the school."  i tell him and he moves his face away from mine making sure he can look at me better.

"nothing can ever will change the way i feel about you, justin." he says. i smile and go up to him, hugging him. my face bright red. he hugs back and i hear him laugh a little. "he's an asshole, don't listen to 'em."

"i noticed."

ooo rae's creepy 'friends' gross
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