chapter thirty nine - confused

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justin's p.o.v

time skip to about two weeks later. raegan and i have been great. we've been hanging almost everyday after school and he's taken me on a few dates like the bowling one! we have so much fun.

kyle and i have talked over text but we haven't really hung out. basically all of my time is with raegan and i'm a little scared to be with kyle in person. i feel like it'll be awkward. he literally tried to kiss me.

dave, shane, and caleb have continued to lay off raegan and i in school. i'm happy about that. it's easier that we don't need to deal with them. they'll still give us looks in lunch and all that but nothing bad. everyone's going to stare. i can't stop that.

it's saturday night now. im not with rae and haven't talked to him all night which is surprising. i shoot him a quick text as i watch a movie in my room. he answers back after a few minutes and says he's just chillin with his friends. oh. wow. well i can't stop him and they have been better towards us. i text back and tell him to have fun and that i love him. he says it back.

i text him a few more messages during the night but get no response. i send him about four before i feel like i'm being needy so i stop. but i stay awake about till midnight and he never texted back.

i must have fell asleep because i wake up the next morning, confused on what day it even is. i check my phone and see it's almost noon and still, no messages from raegan. what the hell?

i get out of bed and walk downstairs. my parents are making, well lunch.

"good morning." my mom says pulling out a chair for me to sit in.

"morning." i say back and sit down. she puts a plate full of eggs and bacon in front of me. "thank you."

"so justin, how's you and raegan?" my dad asks and i can tell my mom is invested in this conversation as well.

"we're good actually, thanks." i say eating my food. they both smile.

"he's a sweet boy." my mom says and i smile at myself.

"yeah he is." i nod. my mom makes her way to the kitchen table as well and we eat and make small talk.

once we are all done eating, i help my mom clean up the kitchen a little. then i go back upstairs quickly to check my phone. nothing. i groan confused.

i text him again asking if he's okay and how his night was. this is annoying. he usually always texts me back. and quick too.

hours pass and i get nothing. more hours go by. more and more. until it was almost nine o'clock at night and i've gotten nothing from him all day. i've been laying in my bed all day hoping he would respond. this is ridiculous.

i pick up my phone and go to his contact. i press call and put the phone up to my ear. i hear it ring. and ring and ring. until it goes to voicemail. is be okay? is he hurt? i start to get worried. maybe kyle will know.

i go to messages and click on kyles name.


hey kyle, have you heard from raegan at all by any chance?

hey no i haven't. why?

he hasn't answered me in like 24 hours

oh shit. well i hope you hear from him soon

thanks, talk to you later!

i put my phone down and decide not to look at my phone for the rest of the night unless he texts me. i'm worried. who else can i talk to? it's too late to go his house. i don't have his friends numbers. i'm screwed until tomorrow at school.

filler chapter sorry. gonna get juicy next chap.
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