chapter nineteen - LIKE like

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justin's p.o.v:

he picks me up bridle style and i giggle at him. he turns around and walks to my staircase, walking up them. the door to my room is open so he walks in and lays me down on my bed. he then goes and shuts my door, locking it, he comes back over to me and gently gets on top of me.

"are you sure about this?" he asks me. "i know how you feel about this now and especially because we aren't together or anything-"

"i'm sure." i nod, cutting him off. i pull his shirt and connect our lips in a rough kiss. he's surprised at first but then he continued the same action. i want this and i know he can tell.

i pull away quickly to lift his shirt up and help him get it over his head. he throws it next to the bed and comes back to kiss me. i run my fingers through his hair and start to kiss him harder then before. his body on top of mine like this makes me go crazy.

i unconnect our lips and take the first move to kiss his jawline and then down to his neck. i suck on his neck lightly but then start to get tougher as i place one of my hands on his muscular arms. i try to create a hickey as best i can but i'm abruptly stopped.

"wait wait-" he pulls away and completely gets off of me, sitting at the edge of my bed with his head in his hands. what happened?

"i um- did i do something?" i ask him quietly and i hear him take a deep breathe.

"no it's not you. i-i-" he doesn't finish as he keeps his head down, facing away from me.

"you're scaring me." i say, watching as he lifts his head. but he still doesn't look at me.

"i just- i don't want to fuck up again." he says finally creating eye contact with me. i sigh at him.

"what do you mean?" i ask confused.

"i don't want to do this and then have you regret it because i don't feel the same way. i've done enough to make you already feel shitty and doubt me so i don't want do this and then give you another reason to hate me." he says, running his fingers through his hair. i think my heart just started beating faster. oh my god. he does care. i have doubted him but he really does care about me.

"come here." i say and he immediately comes over to me, getting in between my legs so he's very close. i put my hand on his face gently and then go up to his hair, running my fingers through it this time. "i don't want you to feel so uptight about me and this. and i don't want you to think that you have to do anything for me at any time." i explain.

"i don't feel that way." he shakes his head at me.

"which part?" i ask. he pauses.

"about me feeling like i need to do something for you or to you." he says and i sigh, taking my hand away from him.

"so you do feel uptight?" i ask and he doesn't answer. he just looks down slightly. "shit rae i'm sorry-"

"no you don't have to be sorry justin." he says cutting me. "it's me. i just have realized that i absolutely love being around you. i don't want to be away from you." he explain and i smile at him. maybe he's feeling something? anything? possibly??

"you won't be away from me." i say." let's just lay down now, okay?" i ask and he nods at me.

he scoots down a little so his head is at my chest. he wraps his arms around my torso tightly and lays his head right on my chest. our let's are spread out all tangled together. i run my fingers through his hair gently.

"raegan?" i whisper and his head shoots up to look at me.

"yeah jay?" he asks.

"i love you." i say again in a whisper and he's silent for a moment. he just keeps starting at me with soft eyes.

"i like you." is all he says and smiles at me. my eyes open wide and i almost screech.

"you like, LIKE like me?" i ask, realizing i said like too many times in that sentence but i'm freaking out right now.

"mhm." he nods.

"y-you really do?" i ask all nervous and he laughs at me.

"i feel something and i can't ignore it. i do." he nods again at me, his face turning a bit red. i pull his face up with my hands and smash my lips into his softly. he puts his finger under my chin and kisses back.

"you're so cute." he says close my lips as we pull away slowly, sending vibrations down my spine.

"stopp." i say to him and smile, putting my head down.

"i'm serious." he says all defensive and i laugh. ugh how does he do this to me!?

"this doesn't mean you have to worry about everything you do or say you know that right?" i ask seriously and he simply nods.

"yeah but it might happen anyway. i can't really help it." he pouts. "i hate when you're mad."

"there shouldn't be a reason for me to be mad at you anymore." i say cupping his face in my hands. "everything's okay." i add.

"yes." he pecks my lips. "everything's okay." he repeats.

ooo gettin into this shit nowww oh YEAHH
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even tho no one is here :,(

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now