chapter eighteen - come over please

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justin's p.o.v

as i step foot into the school building the next day, i was praying it would be a good friday. a good end to my week.

as i'm thinking to myself, i must have zoned out because i bump into some boy ive almost never seen before. he turns around, looking angry.

"i-i'm sorry-"

"watch where you're going faggot." he says harshly and shoves my small body to the ground. all of his friends around him are staring and laughing. my eyes fill with slight tears. my god, what happened to me?

a tall figure gets in front of me as i stay on the ground, my elbows keeping me up. i know that body anywhere.

"heyy raegan!" the boy smiles and goes to do a handshake with raegan but rae doesn't move. i already know he's death staring this kid.

"never.. put your hands on him again." he says in that dreading, hot voice he has. the boy looks at him confused, looking from him to me, back up to raegan.

"but he got in my way. why the hell would you care?" he asks, crossing his arms trying to seem intimidating.

rae turns around, putting his hand out for me to take. i do and he pulls me up to my feet, then he wraps his arm around me and i cling to his body.

"never touch him again and we won't have a problem. and that goes for all your friends too." he threatens and the boy looks disgusted at what he sees in front of him.

"whatever." he scoffs and turns around, talking with his friend again. raegan walks down the hall with me by his side and i notice everyone staring at us. he still has his arm around me. he takes me to one of the staircase and leads me below it.

"you okay jay?" he asks, taking his arm away. i instantly feel cold.

"yeah, thank you." i give him a big hug, never wanting to let go of him. he rubs my back with his hand and gently kisses my forehead. "who was that?"

"some dickhead i've known since middle school. but we don't really talk anymore." he shrugs and the bell rings for first period.

"well, i'll see you later?" i emphasize like i'm asking if i will see him later.

"yeah of course, don't worry about him, enjoy your day." he says and smiles. i nod and he walks away, going up the stairs. i sigh, making my way to first period.

it's the end of the day now and i'm not going to lie, i've had a weird feeling all day. i don't know what it is. and i don't know what to do.

i see raegan and the hallway and i run over to him. i jump on his back and he doesn't even get scared. his fast reflexes make sure i don't fall as he puts hands under my thighs.

"hey." i hear him say and i can tell he's smiling. i move up more to my head is right next to his.

"come over please." i say and kiss his cheek.

"of course." he says letting me down. he turns around to face me and i see he still has a smile on his face.

"meet me?" i ask and he nods. i walk away quickly, walking to my car.

i drive home quickly, getting home and waiting for raegan. i text him to just come in when he gets here. i'm waiting on my couch, watching tv. a few minutes later, i hear the door open and my head shoots up. he walks in, head down staring at his phone.

"hey." i smile a little as he walks over to me. he picks his head up and leans down to give me a quick hug. "hi."

he sits down and keeps his face buried in his phone. my face drops as i see him smile at whoever he's texting.

"how are you doing?" i ask politely. he looks up quickly but then looks back down. wtf?

"i'm good. how are you?" he asks once again not looking up at me.

"i'm fine." i say. i begin to get annoyed at him just staring at his phone likes he in another world. he's at my house and i sort of thought he'd like to see me? "rae w-who are you-"

i'm cut off by him turning his phone off quick and putting it down as i try to peak over and see as a joke. even tho i actually wanted to know. "texting?" i finish, looking at him confused.

"oh, no one. nobody." he says like it's no big deal but i cross my arms and sit back on the couch. i sigh, looking down.

"it's obviously someone." i mumble. he keeps looking at me, not saying anything. "it was sort of rude how you came over to my house, sat on my couch and just payed all your attention to your phone for a good five minutes." i explain.

"hey i'm sorry, i didn't mean it. really." he says. i raise an eyebrow at him and he leans forward, coming on top of me a little bit. our faces are closer together now, and he frowns.

"who were you texting?" i ask calmly, trying to sound just curious. i mean i am. really curious.

"its no one jay." he repeats and wraps an arm around my torso while i'm slouching on the couch.

"you know raegan sometimes you really just-" i start to say as my intention was to almost go off on him but i'm cut off by him taking his over hand and pinching my chin a little. he moves my head towards him and connects our lips in a small, gentle, surprised kiss.

my whole body melts to his touch and all my anger disappears. it was more annoyance then anger but everything went away. everything but my love for him has vanished in this moment. it's so hard to yell at him. to get mad. i'm soft now. everything is so different.

he pulls away and smiles at me. "do you believe me now?" he asks, rubbing my side under my shirt. the butterflies are going crazy.

"should i really though?" i ask, teasing him a little. i start to feel that strange feeling again like before. my whole body is tingling.

"yes." he nods.

"prove it more." i say and he looks at me, his eyebrow raised this time in confusion.

"how?" he asks not knowing what i mean. is this a good idea? ugh fuck it.

"you know how." i say, blushing hard core. he really does and he knows it.

to be continued in the next chapter ;)
hope you enjoyed! comment and vote for me plz hehe

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now