chapter thirty two - party

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justin's p.o.v

it's been a few days since raegan and i..yeah. did what we did. the school's attention on us seemed to die down a little. not completely, but more than i thought. raegan doesn't really talk to his 'friends'. i assume that they don't want to talk to him either. because of me.

i'm at home now relaxing on the couch. i loud knock at my front door makes me jump a little. before i'm able to get up and open it, the door just opens. raegan walks in with a big smile on his face.

"hey babe." i say. he rushes over to me and wraps his arms around me, lifting my feet up off the ground. he spins me around and i laugh at him.

"hi cutie." he kisses my cheek lightly.

"you seem excited, i just saw you like an hour ago." i say. we did just have school so.

"jay it's friday! you know what that means?" he asks setting me back down. i look at him confused.

"no..what?" i ask curious.

"party tiiime." he smiles, sounding so happy but my face drops.

"oh um.." i don't really know what to say. ever since my feelings for raegan changed and we've been dating, i haven't really wanted to party. i'm just nervous. his friends and bella make me scared. he'll be drunk around THEM.

"what? you don't want to go to a party?" he asks and i just look at him. he looks at me with hope in his eyes.

"i mean, not really." i shrug. he crosses his arms.

"you're being weird." he says, not mad but concerned. i take his hand and bring him over to the couch. we both sit down.

"ever since we started..ya know, dating..i'm afraid a party will somehow ruin something." i admit, looking down at our hands intertwined sitting on top of my though.

"oh justin, you know i'd never let anything ruin us." he pouts at me and i sigh.

"people don't like us together, rae." i say which he already knows.

"oh." he realizes. "my friends. bella." he says and i just nod slightly.

"i just got you. i don't want it to end yet." i tell him, putting my pointer finger under his chin and looking into his eyes.

"baby." he leans forward and kisses me. "first off, this will never end." he smiles. "and second, what if i promise you this will be a great night and you won't regret it?" he asks and i can't reject him. i want him to have fun. and i can't resist that smile.

"if you promise that, sure." i say.

"then i promise." he says. "yay party!" he stands up all happy. i giggle at him.

"are you going to wear that?" i ask him.

"yeah so i'll just stay until we need to go. and i'm glad because you need to change." he grabs my hand and drags me off the couch up to my room.

"oh my god rae." i laugh as we get upstairs. he opens my closet and starts digging through my clothes. "you're crazy."

"you know it." he pulls out a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "perfect!" he hands them to me with that same cute smile on his face.

"thanks i guess." i playful roll my eyes. he comes up to me and wraps his arms around me.

"i love you." he says.

"i love you too." i respond, never wanting to leave this hug.

a few hours later, we arrive at this party. i realized i never asked who's it was but i guess that's not important.

raegan and i walk in hand in hand. the loud music and the stench of alcohol is repulsive. for me at least. a few people say hi to him, only him, as he drags me through a mob of people.

"raegan!" i hear from a familiar voice through all the commotion. we walk closer and i see it's dave. really? him if all people. "what's up man?" he asks rae as we approach him.

"nothing much. just here to get drunk as hell." rae says and i start to get worried. he really wants to get drunk?

"oh yeah? drunk here with him by your side?" he asks looking at me. he shakes his head at me.

"just hand me a drink." rae ignores the question, sounding irritated. he does, and raegan leads me out of the kitchen. we get to the living and he starts dancing, chugging the drink.

"rae i would appreciate it if you didn't-" i'm cut off by two guys getting between us and dragging raegan out of my site. where the hell did they take him? i don't want to ruin raegan's night, but i'm not having fun here.

i decide to walk upstairs, squeezing between a bunch of people. it's less crowded upstairs. i walk through the halls and notice some people with another person. and some people alone. as i'm looking around i feel a tap on my shoulder. i turn around and see a tall boy, a little shorter than raegan with brown hair and blue eyes.

"hey." he says holding a red solo cup. he seems nice and also sober so i'm in.

"hi." i say back. he looks at me up and down quickly.

"i'm kyle. what's your name?" he asks me, taking a sip of his drink.

"i'm justin." i respond and his eyebrows raise a little.

"oh, you're the one dating raegan beast?" his mind seems to click. i nod quickly.

"yeah." i say. "i guess that's all i'm known for in this school huh?" i laugh awkwardly.

"oh i didn't mean to sound-"

"no no it's okay." i cut him off nicely, smiling at him. he nods, smiling back.

"is raegan here?" he asks me.

"yeah, he sort of dragged me here even though parties are not my thing at all." i shrug, leaning against a wall.

"aw why not?" he asks taking another sip of his beverage.

"kind of hard to explain." i tell him. he nods, seeming to understand. "so are you here with anyone?" i ask.

"nah i'm just a friend of dave's and he invited me. i thought why not, ya know." he says. then he looks from me down to his drink. "you want a sip?" he asks.

"oh no i'm good." i'm decline his offer but at the same staring at his drink. i haven't had a alcohol beverage in a while.

"you don't look so sure." he smirks and seems to offer again without asking. i grab the cup and take a quick gulp of it, the burning of it down my throat.

"woah." i say, handing it back to him. he laughs, taking it back and i try to handle that one sip.

"who knew raegan would go for such a softie like you." he says and i agree but i don't say anything back.

"want to come outside with me quick?" he asks me.

"sure yeah." i nod. he starts walking and i follow him out into the front yard.

to be continued.. hahah
hope everyone liked it. woohoo!
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