chapter three - don't catch feelings

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justins p.o.v

that night, i didn't get to sleep until two in the morning. i couldn't stop thinking about raegan. not in a good way. i mean don't get me wrong, i would have continued whatever was happening if it weren't for the fact that he wanted to prove that i can't do as much as him. i know him. he'd brag and go off to all his friends talking about me. again, not that i would care. but i'm not giving him that satisfaction.

i walk into school exhausted, not excited for this day. i rummage through my locker quickly and get all the things i need. i hear raegan's voice in the distance and cringe. i didn't want to see him today. last night was so awkward.

"hey jay!" i turn around quickly to see him standing right in front of me. i give him a small, weak smile.

"hi." i say back. again, he's enjoying this. he knows he gets to me. i need to show him that he doesn't.

"great party last night, right?" he asks and a lot of people are listening in the hallway, i could tell. i roll my eyes.

"yeah, but next time try to keep your dick in your pants." once those words leave my mouth, i hear gasps and whispers right away. raegan's face drops and his friends start laughing. i give him a big smirk. i'm just as tough as him.

i walk away, keeping the smirk on my face. i don't think he so much cares that i said that, i think i just caught him off guard. and also, everyone heard.

lunch time rolled around quickly which i was so happy about. i sat at my usual table and started to eat. then, here comes raegan. he sits across from me and quickly looks to his friends, starting to talk. i just sit there, enjoying my food.

i feel a slight tap on my hand and look up, seeing him look at me. he really does have beautiful eyes.

"ooo raegan it's your boyfriend." one of his friends say and all the rest of them laugh. raegan shakes his head and rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"he's not my boyfriend." he snaps and i just sit there, not doing anything. he looks back at me and motions for me to follow him. i get up and he leads us out of the lunch room, down the hallway.

he stops and i stand in front of him, crossing my arms. he looks aggravated.

"uh oh, is this getting you raegan?" i smirk and he gives me a dirty look.

"of course not." he says like it's all obvious. it's not. then it's silent for a moment.

"that was a real douche move last night." i say and our eyes meet quickly. he looks like he wants to explode.

"i made a douche move? you announced it to the whole school this morning!" he says a little louder than necessary.

"yeah because you deserved it! and why do you care anyway? you're raegan beast. you're the tough guy who everyone loves and honestly, since when did you ever care about people knowing you wanted sex? huh?" i ask him and stand there, waiting for an answer. he seems lost.

"you just caught me off guard i guess. i don't know. but i don't care. i really don't. i'm just confused on why you didn't want to last night." he says which causes my eyes to open wide.

"what?" i ask confused.

"oh come on justin. you said you're a tough guy too. you said you can do just as much as me and correct me if i'm wrong, but you've had one night stands before." he says.

"yeah, i have. but you were going to embarrass me if i ever did it with you. i'm not stupid." i say back and he has that look on his face. this is funny to him.

"oh and that bothers you? you're not as tough as you seem." he raises an eyebrow and leans against the lockers.

"i was not going to give you the satisfaction that you wanted for getting in my pants. so you're wrong. i am just as tough, i'm just smarter." i say and walk away, stomping down the hallway.

"have you ever caught feelings?" i hear and stop in my tracks. i wait a second before turning around and seeing him look right at me.

"no. never have and never will. it's just fun." i say simply, not moving closer to him.

"because i think that's why you walked away last night." he says walking closer to me. i laugh a little, knowing that's ridiculous.

"you're serious? you think i'd ever catch feelings for someone like you?" i ask and he shrugs, coming very close to me.

"how could you resist this?" he asks and i cant help but laugh, pushing him away. he laughs a little too, still looking at me.

"you're a dick." i say, running my fingers through my hair. he tilts his head a little at me. i just look at him confused.

"you say you'll never catch feelings. and i'll never catch feelings either. i think you and i could have something? like a friends with benefits thing? i happen to think you're very attractive." he says and my heart speeds up a little. i don't know why.

"oh please raegan. you could make a move on me anytime and the next day i'd move on." i tell him. he nods.

"okay then." he says coming closer to me and as his face gets closer to mine, i close my eyes. i feel his lips touch mine along with his hands on my hips. i put my hands on his face and kiss him harder. but he quickly pulls away.

"don't catch feelings." he says, moving away from me. i roll my eyes.

"no problem." i say. "just like every other time." i walk away down the hall and back into the lunchroom to grab my bag.

he'll think i'll catch feelings? he's clearly never met me. i'll make sure he catches feelings for me and then he won't know what to do.

don't catch feelings ;)
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