chapter fifty two - remember

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*lets say it's saturday*
justins p.o.v

the next day i woke up and immediately thought of raegan. i wonder if he really tried to remember me as hard as he wanted. i'm glad it's saturday so we can spend the day together.

i take a quick shower and go downstairs, ready to eat breakfast. my parents are not up yet, they like to sleep late.

i take out some cereal and milk, making myself a bowl is cereal. i sit at the kitchen table and look at my phone while i eat my food. it's noon, i'm surprised my parents aren't awake by now.

i grow curious and look outside, seeing one car is gone. they must have gone out somewhere.

i hear a few knocks at the front door and almost jump. i walk to it and open it, seeing raegan. how is he here?

"rae how did-" i try to say but i'm cut off by his lips colliding with mine. he stepped into my house and didn't say a word, he just kisses me.

it's a more passionate kiss too. not like yesterday. he seemed nervous yesterday. this feels like a kiss raegan would give me. the raegan i've always known.

he pulls away slowly and we keep our faces close. i keep my eyes closed and soak in this moment. his kisses are the best.

"hi." he smiles cutely as we stare at each other now.

"how did you remember where i live?" i ask quietly and his smile grows bigger.

"i remember." is all he starts with. "i remember everything. from the first day i met you to when i was driving home after our fight."

"oh my god." i say in excitement as i jump in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. he tightly wraps his arms around my waist. "but how?"

"i stayed up almost all night thinking about what you've told me over the last few days because i sort of remember when i was without my memory. all of a sudden everything just came flooding back and i had a huge headache but i didn't care. i remember babe." he tells me as we look at each other, me still in his arms as we stand in front of my front door.

i kiss his lips quickly. "thank god. i love you so much." i say to him and he blushes.

"i love you." he says back. "i'm so sorry about bella. i won't talk to her if you don't want me too."

"i honestly don't care. i trust you, i really do. i don't know why i didn't. i'm sorry. if i did, you wouldn't of left and you wouldn't of gotten into that accident." i say as he sets me back down in the ground. he grabs my hand gently, shaking his head.

"don't be sorry." he says. "i didn't mean anything i said to you. you mean the world to me and this is the best feeling knowing what we've gone through to be here. in this moment with you and only you." his cheeks grow pink and i can't help but giggle at his cuteness. he's back.

"i didn't mean anything either. i love you and i always will." i say back to him and he bites his lip, looking at my lips again.

he leans down and kisses me again gently. i touch his soft cheeks with my hands, keeping his face close to mine.

"school will be so much easier now that dave, shane, and caleb are all cool with me now." i say as we pull away and he nods.

"yeah definitely. that's a relief." he says and i just look at him, rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

"god i really missed you." i tell him. he smiles gently.

"i missed you too." he says.

"let me invite your friends over here and you can surprise them." i say and him and he nods.

"yes oh my god you're amazing." he kisses me once more before i grab my phone and click on dave's number. call.

"hello?" i hear on the other line.

"hey dave um, this might sound weird but you should come over." i say and raegan is looking at me, laughing a bit.

"oh uh..why?" he asks sounding curious.

"can you just get here soon? you won't regret it." when i say that, rae gives me two thumbs up. i nod at him.

"sure yeah. i'm with the boys so they can come too?" he asks me.

"oh yeah bring them please." i tell him and then hear him talking to his friends in the background.

"we'll be there in ten." he says.

"great, see you soon." i say and hang up. "they are coming soon." i tell rae and he nods.

"so i don't really remember a lot from when i didn't have my memory. how did my friends start to like you all of a sudden?" he asks me, coming closer and putting his hands on my hips.

"well when we found out you weren't going to remember anything, i like broke down and i could see they all felt bad. dave helped me realize it wasn't my fault and helped me through some of it actually. the worst was when you woke up and your mom asked if you remember me. you said no and i ran to the bathroom and just cried. dave came in and hugged me, telling me it would be okay." i explain to him and he smiles.

"aw i always knew there was some good in them, especially dave." he says now cupping my cheeks and leaning down to kiss me.

"i'm glad there is. i think deep down they always knew how much we cared about each other and they never saw me so upset." i tell him. he nods, agreeing.

i hear a car pulling up all of a sudden and i look out the door to see them pulling up. "go sit on the couch baby." i say, pushing him a hit and he goes to sit down. he puts his head down a little.

i see them get out of the car and walk up to my door. dave gives me a little smile. "hey guys, come in!" i greet them and they step into the house.

cliffhanger hehehe
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