chapter fifty eight - bad side

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justins p.o.v

as the next day quickly arrived, i got into raegan's car so we can get to school. he kisses me quickly before backing out of my driveway and we make our way to school.

"hey, if you see kyle today..just ignore him." he says and i look over at him.

"no i'm going to go give him a big hug." i say sarcastically and rae let's out a little chuckle.

"so funny of you." he says, not looking at me as he focuses on the road.

"i know." i smirk and i see him glare at me.

we get to school and he comes over the passenger side to where i am. he looks down and intertwines our hands together. we make our way into school.

just as we enter, i see kyle talking to dave, shane, and caleb. he glances at me and then quickly back to the boys. i keep walking with raegan, pretending like i didn't see anything.

we go to my locker first like usual, and i take the things out i need for the day.

"i saw that little look he gave you." rae says as i'm focused on taking books out of my locker. i look over at him and he sigh.

"hey." i lift up his chin with my finger and our eyes meet. "same rule applies to you. i'll only ignore him if you do."

"okay." he agrees and leans down to kiss me. "hurry up with your shit, slow poke." he jokes and shuts my locker even though i still needed one more book. i roll my eyes playfully at him.

"in that case, you can go to your locker all by yourself now." i shove him with my hands gently and he smiles at me, going to his locker. i love messing around with him. isn't that what relationships are meant for most of the time?

it was now lunch time and i was sitting with raegan and his friends. we were all eating the school lunch and talking about god knows what.

"hey justin?" dave asks suddenly and everyone stops and listens. raegan puts his arm around the back of my waist.

"yeah?" i ask curious. he stops for a moment.

"are you and kyle still friends? he told me what happened and told me to ask you that." he asks me and i raise an eyebrow. then i feel rae's arm letting go of me. "that was fucked up what he did, he told us the story like he was the victim because of what raegan did."

"of course not." i say, continuing to eat my food. i look up at them again and see them all look at each other and then something behind me. i turn my body and see raegan standing being me, staring at kyle who seems to be walking over.

"rae?" i ask pulling his shirt. "what did we say?" i ask more quietly but he doesn't answer. kyle keeps walking forward.

"can we talk, justin?" he asks me and i turn back forward, grabbing raegan's arm and dragging him to sit down again.

"nope." i say loud enough for him to hear and dave laughs a little. "bye now."

"please?!" he says louder and i groan, turning around.

"why?" i say turning around on the bench. rae is staring at him.

"i'll tell you why if you just step out into the hall with me." he says and i really don't want to deal with him right now. but i don't want him to keep bothering me.

"fine." i stand up and get closer to raegan. i wrap my arms around his neck and he sits on the bench and lean down to kiss him. it lasts maybe five seconds and i give him a little smile when i pull away. "i always give in to talking to people. i'll be right out in the hall babe."

"okay, kick his ass if you have to." he almost whispers and i laugh.

"hm ." i hum as i turn around and see kyle staring. i start walking and he follows me. i'm about to stop walking and turn around when i feel him forcefully grab my arm.

"listen justin i'm only going to say this once." he says bringing me close to him and keeping a firm grip on my arm. i freeze as i look into his eyes. "if raegan ever touches me like that again i will fight back and i will hurt him." he says, his teeth clenched.

"let go of me." i say, fighting his grip on my arm. he doesn't let go. "what the hell happened to you?"

"you don't want to get on my bad side." he tells me.

"you shouldn't of tried to make a move on me when you know i am with raegan. he can beat your ass easily." i say and he raises an eyebrow.

"why don't we test that yeah?" he asks and i'm really getting tired of him holding my arm.

"just stay away from me and we won't have to. get your hands off-"

"tell me justin, what was more stupid? me making a move on you, or raegan getting on my bad side?" he asks and i immediately lift my knee up, kneeing him right where the sun doesn't shine. he becomes weak and falls to his knees, holding his pants. he groans loudly.

"you making a move on me. you're on raegans bad side now, and that's never good." i say as i walk past him back into the lunch room.

as i walk in, i see raegans eyes on me. i walk over and sit down next to him. he as well as dave keep their eyes on me.

"justin, your arm! what happened?" raegan asks looking at my arm. he kept a red mark on it.

"i just kneed him in the balls." i say and dave, shane, and caleb break into laughter. i chuckle with them and then turn to raegan. he's smiling.

"he held onto you tight." he says rubbing my arm and kissing my cheek.

"he said you're on his bad side for putting your hands on him when we tried to make a move on me. he wouldn't let go of my arm so i kicked him and told him he's on your bad side now." i explain to all of them.

"good, because he is." he says and kisses me on the lips.

"i love you." i say to him.

"i love you too, you badass." he says which makes me laugh. we continue talking during lunch.

raegan would destroy kyle if kyle tried to do anything. so i'm not worried what so ever.

hehe badass hehe
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