chapter fourty three - curious

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justin's p.o.v

it's the next day and raegan just picked me up so we can head to school. the car ride is quite and to me it's a little awkward but i hope it's not to him. i honestly don't know what to say.

when we arrive at school, we grab our bags and walk in together. as we do, i'm relieved to see barely anyone in the hallway. the drama passes quick in this school, there must already something new to talk about.

the one thing that gets my blood boiling every time i walk into school, is seeing the little alvin and the chipmunk group. of course they are standing in their usual spot.

"you're joking..right?"  dave says right away and i look up at raegan. he's staring at him.

"what?" rae asks biting his bottom lip. i can tell he is annoyed.

"how the hell are you two still walking into school together when you cheated on him?" dave asks crossing his arms.

"dave listen-" raegan tries to say.

"no no really i'm curious because usually when people cheat it means they don't love or care about the person they were together with." he says quickly, looking confused in a joking way.

"why can't you just keep your mouth shut?" rae asks. "it's really none of your business at all."

"oh i know that raegan. but really, think about it. you hurt him. you hurt him a lot. and you claim you love him? people who cheat are horrible people." dave gets a little closer to rae as he talks. i cling onto raegan's arm and try to make myself more visible. dave glances at me.

"leave him alone." i say. "you don't know everything about us or how we feel. so like i told you yesterday, why don't you shut up for once and worry about you." i tell him and don't waste any time. i start walking away with raegan by my side, pissed as always when i see his face.

"you know i tried." i hear dave yell down the hallway. raegan and i both stop and look at each other first before turning around to dave. "all three of us did."

"what are you talking about?" rae asks, his voice deep and curious.

"i've been inviting you to all my parties because i wanted what happened the other night to happen. we all tried to make it happen." he says, raising his eyebrows. "and it did, yet you two are still staying together."

"are you fucking serious?" i ask him. "you've been wanting raegan to cheat on me this whole time?" i ask just to clarify. he just nods his head and the other two chipmunks do too. oh my god.

"i hope you liked that fucked up nose i gave you last time cause i will gladly-" rae starts walking towards them but i quickly get in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. i also stop the words from coming out of his mouth.

"raegan hey. look at me." i say standing in front of him. he unglues his eyes from dave and looks down at me. "he's not worth it." i tell him.

"no raegan come on. i'm sure the school would love to know how you first cheat on your boyfriend and then beat up your best friend." i hear dave say and i let out a sharp breath.

"stop talking dave." i say whipping my head around. i keep rae behind me. "you are such a selfish person. you always need everything to happen your way and if it doesn't, you're going to keep running your mouth until it does. i'm sorry if i took raegan from you guys but it's so wrong to want your best friend to cheat on his boyfriend just because you don't like me. i can see how sorry he is and yeah he might have hurt me but you guys hurt him. you've hurt him so many times because you won't let him be happy. again, i'm sorry but i make him happy. go find someone else to torment because you're not getting raegan back now. we are going to work through this and you three will not be a part of it or our lives anymore at all." i rant to them, well mostly dave and i can see the shocked look on their faces. the bell rings a few seconds after i finish and they don't say anything.

i intertwine my hand with raegans and we rush my locker before we are late for first period. i quickly take my things out and he stays with me, not going to his locker.

"do you need anything from your locker? you can go now." i say still sort of heated but trying to be nice. he shakes his head, staring at me with this look i can't explain. "what..?"

he comes close to me and puts both of his hands on my cheeks. he looks into my eyes quickly before shutting them and leaning in. i close my eyes too and feel his lips touch mine. kiss back, having that same feeling i've always felt when i kiss him and i never want it to leave. i just want us to be okay. i want us to always be okay.

he pulls away slowly and when i open my eyes, his are still closed. he opens them after a few seconds and then smiles at me.

"god i love you." he whispers to me and i blush, looking down.

"i love you too." i tell him. "class?"

by the end of the day, i was very shocked at the fast that we were not being bothered by dave or the other two. i'm almost starting to think what i said to them this morning went into effect.

i'm at my locker now putting some books away when i suddenly feel arms wrap around my toroso. i smile, putting away my last boom and shutting my locker.

"guess who." i hear him say and i roll my eyes playfully.

"oh yeah like i have no idea who's voice that can be." i can and he laughs, letting go and coming in front of me. our faces are close as i look up at him. he just has a slight smile on his face.

"come over please. i want to be with you." he says gently and i nod right away. i want to.

how's everyone?? i hope you're doing great :)
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