chapter twenty two - don't ever

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justin's p.o.v

the next day came quickly. i woke up, got out of bed to go to the bathroom and then went right back into bed. what else can i do?

i can't help but think it was my fault for what happened yesterday. i might have overreacted a little but he said he liked me and he felt something. maybe it's just me but at that time i start to think about a relationship. why can't he change like i did?

it's not his fault, even though i really made it seem like. i'm just confused and hurt. i want him. and i'm scared he's with someone else right now. someone who won't bug him about a problem like that. and someone who won't call him a bad person..

i want to go to his house. i want to talk. i don't want this to be ignored. and i don't want us to forget about each other. i can't do that. i need him.

i got out of bed again, dressing myself and doing what i need to do. brush my hair and teeth, put deodorant on, all that good stuff. i go downstairs and see my parents both on the coach. they both have Sunday's off.

"good morning." my mom says. i give them a little smile.

"morning. i'm going to go to my friends house for a little." i say and i can see the look on my dads face. i just nod telling him it's okay.

"alright have fun." my mom says. "you want any breakfast?" my dad asks after but i shake my head.

"no, no really hungry. be back home later." i say and just leave the house. i would text him and tell him that i'm coming but i just thought i'd go. what do i have to lose.

i carefully drive to his house and when i finally get there. my heart drops. i see about 3 cars in the driveway. shit. what do i do? should i go in? should i go back home. no no i have to go in. i hope he's not hooking up with anyone.

i park in the street near the sidewalk and start walking to his friend door. i take a deep breath and ring the door bell. i hear footsteps and talking. i think i hear "yo i think pete is here." before the door opens.

once it opens all the way, i see raegan there. his face immediately drops at the sight of me standing right in front of him.

"uh..hey." i say awkwardly, looking at him. he doesn't answer, but then his friends come over.

"ooo raegan your boyfriend paid you a visit." they say breaking stones. rae shakes his head.

"he's not my boyfriend." he snaps. "in fact i don't really want to talk to him right now." he adds in and my heart drops beating for a second. my small heart that only he controls right now.

"what happened?" another one asks but rae doesn't answer. he just keeps quiet.

"can i talk to you?" i ask nicely, noticing the same look on his face as before. i really made him mad.

"why should i let you talk to me right now? you do remember what you said to me yesterday right?" he says sarcastically and i nod.

"yeah and do you remember what you said to me?" i say back in an asking voice but i don't expect him to answer.

"i said nothing bad." he shrugs, having that mean face on that he started with when he saw me at the door. "just go home justin. i have friends over." he says and tries to shut the door but i stop him.

"no rae. yes i remember what i said and i shouldn't have said it but please, just let me talk to you." i beg him, and he opens the door again.

"wow he's desperate as hell." his friends says laughing. raegan turns his quickly, shoving him with his hands.

"don't ever say a word about him." he says harshly, standing close to him now. my eyes open wide a bit.

"oh come on rae something serious is obviously going on with you guys." another one of his friends says and then finally the last one speaks.

"you might as well ask him to get on his knees right now, i'm sure he'll do it-"

"shut the fuck up!" raegan shouts, turning to his other two friends. "don't you ever talk about justin again or i will have all your asses you understand me."

i stand in the doorway still, shocked at what i'm seeing. i haven't seen rae get this mad in a while.

"you'll have his ass all day." he says referring at me and as those words leave the first kids mouth, so does blood. as raegan spins back and punches him right in the jaw. i step in, pulling him away as he tries to go back to him again. the kid falls the floor, holding his mouth with his hands.

"what the hell is wrong with you!" his other friend almost yells as he tries to help the kid raegan punched.

"okay rae, stop." i tell him quickly keeping my hands on his chest, making sure he doesn't do anything else.

"you're lucky it wasn't you." rae says and i'm totally shocked right now. why's he being so defensive? he's mad at me!

"i'd like to see you try." he comes over but i push raegan away farther.

"hey calm down. don't listen to him. he's not worth it." i say looking up at his face and he glances down at me quick.

the kid who's mouth is bleeding gets helped by the other two kids. i stay close to rae, making sure nothing else happens because that would be bad.

"talk to us again when you have a damn grip." the one who got in his face just a second ago says and they walk out, helping the kid with probably a broken jaw. raegan is so strong.

a second later, i feel him wrap his arms around me and i'm quick to have a strong grip on him. he does the same, squeezing my small body back against his own. i missed this in that small amount of time. i don't ever want to leave.

scene will be continued!!
hope you liked :,)

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