chapter four - tomorrow?

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justins p.o.v

that night was quiet. i sat on my couch watching some television and scrolling through instagram. i had homework but i really did not want to do it. i was home alone tonight also. my dad is still at work.

i thought about what raegan said all afternoon. i can't believe he thinks i'll catch feelings for him. we are so similar but he doesn't seem to notice. i've done this so many times, just without actually saying 'friends with benefits'. he wanted a damn title so that he can tell me he told me so when i "catch feelings one day". yeah. he'll be waiting for a while.

knock knock

i told my head, wondering who could be at the door. my dad usually just walks in. he has a key obviously. i get up and walk to the door, opening it. raegan.

"what- how do you know where i live?" i ask, confused and he just stands there.

"well hello to you too." he rolls his eyes in a playful way. "i've been to your house before."

"you have?" i ask. he nods quickly. i step away, allowing him to come in. he steps up and into my house. he gives me a quick smile and i just shut my front door. he looks around.

"like i remember." he laughs a little.

"why are you here?" i ask him, this being the third question now.

"you're snotty today. i'll have to get used to that." he smirks and walks into my living room. i follow behind him. it should be the other way around.

"hey hey." i slap his hand as he goes to pick up the remote and sit in my couch. "i'm serious, why are you here?"

"why not?" he shrugs and proceeds to sit on my couch. now he's aggravating me.

"you didn't even text me. you just show up and make yourself at home-"

"you got any food?" he cuts me off and i feel like i'm about to snap. my eyes widen and i give him a dirty look.

"raegan before i throw your ass out of my house, tell me why you're here." i say firmly and i see his eyes on me. all of me. i follow his eyes as they go from my head to my toes and back up to my head. he looks like he's thinking.

"come here first." he says. i huff and sit next to him in the couch. he looks down down a little and i'm really about to rip his head off at this point.

"raegan!" i yell and that seems to screw his head on his body a little. "can you tell me what's going on? please?" i beg.

"i just didn't wanna be alone tonight." he shrugs and puts his hand on my knee. i feel my body heat rise a little for some reason but i shake it off.

"you have friends. don't you?" i ask and he nods but takes a moment to answer me.

"you're my friend though. i wanted to see you." he swiftly wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him to at the point where i'm almost on his lap. then he keeps his arm there.

"oh okay, you could have just said that in the first place." i say when i don't know what else to say. he's making me almost..nervous? why?

"i didn't think you'd believe me." his face gets closer and closer to mine as we speak.

"it doesn't really matter." i say to him. he nods his head slowly before locking his lips with mine.

we quickly get into a comfortable position with me on top of his lap and his hands resting on my butt. i put my hands on his neck and face and we kiss forcefully. he actually is a good kisser, i will say that. he knows what he's doing, just like me.

he takes his hands off my butt and brings them to the front of my body. the way his hands move on my body are scary. i don't expect anything he's about to do. i feel his hand grip the rim of my sweatpants lightly and i think for a moment.

he disconnects from my lips and kisses down to my neck. he kissed all around until he starts sucking on a part of my neck. i focus on what his hand is doing because i don't know if this is a good idea. my dad will be home soon.

his hand tries to go further down in my pants but i stop him, making him pull away from me completely. he looks annoyed.

"my dad is going to be home soon." i say quietly. he only nods. "we can do it tomorrow?"

he looks at me shocked. "okay." he doesn't look phased at all. i don't know why i kind of am.

"just come over earlier." i tell him and he smirks, kissing my check.

"no problem." he says. i do not like raegan. i will never catch feelings for raegan. for some reason though, he's so good with his hands. so i'm surprised at his actions. i don't care if we do it anymore. shits gonna happen since we just fool around obviously.

"you should go." i tell him. i get off his lap and he stands up, walking to the door. i follow, opening the door for him and he gives me a little smile.

"see you tomorrow." he says and walks out. i shut the door and lean my back against it. the friends with benefits thing is making me nervous even though it shouldn't. it really shouldn't.

i go up to my bedroom and lay down on my bed. i need to calm down. i usually don't think about it this much. maybe it's because raegan is the most attractive person i've ever done this with. and i've known him for a while. i don't know really. but right now i don't want to care.

we lit 🔥
i'm bored
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