chapter twenty nine - together

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justin's p.o.v

it's night time now and raegan and i are laying in my bed. he's laying on his back and i'm pretty much on top of him , laying my head on his chest. it's quiet, and he's playing with my hair gently.

"jay?" i hear him ask.

"yeah rae?" i lift my head and look at him.

"um..remember when you said you were sorry for falling for me one of the times you got mad?" he asks and i think for a moment.

"yeah." i say quietly.

"is that true?" he asks and i sigh, moving up a bit so i'm face to face with him. i kiss him gently and he kisses back.

"maybe it was at the time but i was just mad and selfish." i tell him, scanning his face. he really is handsome.

"you weren't selfish." he says. i chuckle and roll my eyes playfully.

"i've wanted you all to myself since the day we..yeah. did what we did." i admit and he grins a little.

"am i really that irresistible?" that grin turns into a smirk and i laugh at his cockiness.

"don't flatter yourself, but i'd say yes." i keep a smile on my face as we joke with each other. it gets quiet again for a moment as we just look at each other. "are you scared?" i ask.

"of what?" he asks looking confused.

"of how your friends and the rest of the school will probably feel about you when they get to know about us?" i ask genuinely and he breaks eye contact with me, looking up at the ceiling.

"i thought i was going to be, but then i realized you were right. this is high school. everyone judges each other for their own enjoyment." he says and sighs. "and those kids are not my friends is they are going to throw me in the dust for loving you." he looks back at me and i smile.

i kiss him again and he kisses back. after a few seconds i kiss down his jawline to his neck. he extends his neck to give me more room to work with. i kiss around his neck and start sucking lightly. he lets out a breathy moan and i smile against his neck. i leave a few hickeys, two or three. whoops. i couldn't help it.

"justin?" i hear lightly and i pull away, looking at him.

"yeah?" i ask.

"i love you." he says, his cheeks a bit red. "so much." he adds.

"and i love you so much." i say back and blush as well. he kisses me passionately and i wrap my arms around his neck. i lay my head back on his chest and start to feel really tired. i start to drift asleep and i imagine he does too. i think i can speak for the both of us when i say this was a great night.

the next morning i'm awoken by a knock on my bedroom door. i sit up and rub my eyes, trying to adjust. i see raegan has NO shirt on. i then notice raegan and i both only have boxers on now. we just have gotten hot during the night. shit.

before i can say or do anything, my bedroom door opens. i see both my parents in the frame, smiling. i quickly cover raegans body with a blanket and make sure i'm covered from the waist down. i lean over raegan a little.

"oh god, sorry justin." my mom says awkwardly.

"uh hey guys i thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow." i say. how is rae still asleep?

"the trip ended early, so we wanted to surprise you." my dad says, also awkward. "but we'll leave you two to it." he grins a little and turns around.

"wait." i stop them. "just so you know this isn't what it looks like." i tell them. my dad laughs.

"mhm." he hums thinking i'm lying. "please tell me you're at least dating now." he says and my face heats up.

"yeah, we are." i smile. my parents look at each other and smile.

"that's great news." my mom says to me. all of a sudden i feel an arm wrap around me, bringing me closer to rae and laying me down again. he kisses my cheek.

"well we are going to go." my dad says and rae looks over. he sits up and his eyes widen at the site of them and i cover my face with my hands, trying not to laugh.

"oh i'm sorry, i didn't know you were home." rae says, unlatching his arm from me. then the look on his face when he realizes he has no shirt on is priceless. "oh this is a great way for me to meet you two for the second time." he says sarcastically.

i keep my laughter in as he looks over at me, looking like he can't even see from just waking up.

"come downstairs soon you two." my dad shuts the door and i look back over at raegan. i burst into laughter, hitting him jokingly on the arm.

"hey what was that for?" he asks, pouting. i keep laughing, climbing on top of him and kissing him.

"that was so embarrassing but so funny." he wraps his arms around my waist and smiles.

"i was so out of it." he laughs with me, putting his head on my shoulder.

"you put your arm around me and kissed me as they were looking and then you sit up with no shirt on." i run my fingers through his messy hair, and we just keep laughing.

"let's go downstairs, i need to apologize." he says. i get off of his lap and we both get off my bed. we try to make ourselves look presentable. then we head downstairs.

the first thing we see are my parents at the kitchen table.

"well if it isn't the love birds." my dad teases and rae and i look at each other.

"that was very unprofessional of me." rae steps in. "it's nice to see you both mr. and mrs. blake." he says and i smile at his politeness.

"you as well raegan." my mom says, giving him a quick hug. "im guessing you two had fun over this past week."

"mooom." i whine, wrapping my arms around raegans waist and clinging to him from the side.

"so you two are really together now?" my dad asks. we both nod, looking at him.

"i hope i didn't give you both a bad impression of me last time. i was clearly confused and didn't know what i was missing out on." he looks down at me, kissing my head. "i do really love your son." he adds. i hide my face in his shirt.

"we are so happy for you guys." my mom smiles at us and my dad agrees.

"thanks." i smile back.

"so, you two hungry?" my dad asks, raegan and i sit at the table, ready to have a nice breakfast.

hehe hope you liked this cute funny chapter :)
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i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now