chapter fifty nine - something bad

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justins p.o.v

that afternoon, raegan brought me to this house after school. his mom made dinner for us and it was delicious. after we ate, he brought me up to his room and sat me on his bed. he looked anxious.

"what?" i ask, curious. he sits next to me and wraps his arm around my waist. i keep my eyes on him. "rae..?"

"i don't know how to explain this, but i've had a really weird feeling in my stomach ever since we left school. like.. something bad is going to happen. i don't know." he says sounding confused at his own words.

"do you feel sick or-"

"no no. i don't want to worry you baby but, its like my body is warning me about something." he cuts me off, keeping eye contact with me.

"everything's been going good, besides kyle. you're okay." i tell him, leaning in to kiss his lips gently. i put my hands on his face and pull away, locking eyes with him.

"you think?" he asks, tears filling his eyes. "i'm scared jay. it doesn't feel normal." he shakes his head.

"are you sure you aren't feeling just stomach sick? i don't know what you mean by a weird feeling." i tell him, shrugging. he takes a deep breath.

"never mind, i'm sure everything is okay. i love you." he says, leaning his forehead against mind. i smile cutely at him.

"i love you more." i respond and yawn.

he gets up off the bed and changed into a pajama t-shirt and his boxers. he gives me a shirt to sleep in and i wear it, looking in the mirror to see how big it is. aw.

"you tired love?" he asks, kissing my cheek. i nod gently.

we both lay down in his bed and i get under the covers. after i do, i look at raegan. he's just staring at the ceiling.

"raegan?" i ask and he doesn't move. i can hear just slightly heavy breathing. i get closer to him and cuddle against his body.

"i-i'm okay." he stutters, keeping his eyes up. i'm worried about him. he's acting super weird. "i think." he adds at the end.

"everything is going to be okay. i'm right here." i say trying to calm him down. he just nods and turns his head to look at me.

"goodnight handsome." he kisses my forehead and pulls the blankets over him as well. he wraps his arms around me i lean my head on his chest.

"night babe." i answer back and yawning one more time. after that, i fall asleep immediately.

as morning awoken, i open my eyes carefully. i see the faint sunlight pouring into his bedroom. ugh, we have school. i sit up on his bed, rubbing my eyes. i look over and see rae still asleep.

"rae?" i shake him a little, trying to wake him up. "we have school." i add and kiss his cheek a few times. i feel him waking up and i smile at him.

once he sees me, his eyes open wide and he jumps out of bed. i back up on the bed, startled at his reaction of me waking him up.

"who-..who are you? why were you kissing me?" he asks as he looks at me, stunned, standing next to the bed.

"what?" i ask confused. he looks around frantically and then looks back at you.

"where am i? who are you and why was i in bed with you?" he asks, talking way faster than normal. a smile forms on my lips.

"stop joking around rae. we have to get ready for school." i say getting off the bed and standing next to him. he keeps a straight face and looks at me from head to toe.

"rae?" he asks confused. "why are we almost naked?" he asks another question. "did we have sex or something?"

"woah wait, no, are you being serious-"

"please just tell me where i am!" he raises his voice, freaking out. my heart starts racing.

"you're at your house." i say gently. "i'm your boyfriend, justin. you're raegan." i tell him and he looks around more, confused as ever.

"what is going on?" he scratches his head. what the hell is going on??

"you really don't remember anything?" i ask him and he shakes his head. i get closer to him and his breathing is uneven. "it's okay, it's me. justin."

"i don't know a justin." he shakes his head quickly. i take his hand into mine, scared out of my mind. did he lose his memory again? how?

"look at me, raegan. look into my eyes." i squeeze his hand and pray this is some sort of sick joke. he does, trying to calm down. after looking at me for a few seconds, he, once again, shakes his head.

"i-i'm sorry, i'm so confused." he says. he let's go of my hand and backs away.

"it's okay." i say, walking to his dresser. i pick him out a t-shirt and pair of jeans to wear. i wear what i wore yesterday.

we put our clothes on and i take his hand again. he rips it away from me.

"please trust me, come with me." i say and open his bedroom door. he follows me downstairs and into the kitchen. i see his mom.

"ms. beast?" i ask, my eyes filling with heavy tears.

"good morning boys!" she turns and she greets us with a smile.

"something is wrong, raegan doesn't remember anything again. it's like he lost his memory all over again." i explain to her and her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"wait what?" she asks confused. then she looks up and her eyes go back to normal, looking all around. "where is my son?"

i turn around quickly and see he's not there anymore. i run to the front door and see him running through the yard into the street. i follow behind, chasing him down the street.

"raegan! raegan please, stop!l i yell as i chase him. he doesn't stop. i run faster, feeling my legs pumping as fast as they can.

i finally touch his shoulder and he stops running. he turns around and backs away from me.

"i don't know what's going on, but i don't know you people." he says sounding scared to death. what the fuck?!

"please baby please you have to trust me. you need to go to the hospital so we can see what's wrong!" i walk closer but he keeps backing away. "you do know us."

"stop following me!" he raises his voice. "you did something to me. i don't know you!"

"yes you do. i promise you do." i say starting to cry in my hands. "raegan. i'm your boyfriend. i love you, please come back." i have trouble breathing as the breakdown starts rapidly.

"woah." he rushes over to me and sees me a mess from up close. i wrap my arms around him and sob into his chest.

"please come back. you know who you are!" i say looking up into his eyes. he just stares me in total shock in confusion.

"i-i..i don't. i'm so confused." he says to me. i hear a car pull up and it's raegans mother. i shrug at her. she looks scared out of her mind.

"we can help you. please trust me." i say putting my hands on his face. he melts into my touch a little and nods.

we both get into the back seat and i sit close to him. but he feels uncomfortable. i move away and he just looks out the window. this is the bad thing rae said would happen. he felt it. he knew something was up. but how? why this?

smart idea hehe
i'm a genius
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