chapter ten - no school

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justin's p.o.v

my body slowly starts to wake up and i open my eyes. my eyes adjust to what i'm looking at, which is the wall. and i feel an arm around my body. i turn my head and see raegan behind me. and then i hear loud thuds in the roof and the sound of wind.

"rae?" i ask, turning around and looking at him. he slowly wakes up, looking back at me.

"morning." he smiles at me a little and my heart melts at his morning voice. woah.

"don't we have school?" i ask him, noticing my alarm clock says ten o'clock.

"oh no, your dad came in earlier and i was up. he told me there's a crazy storm so they canceled school. he's home too." he tells me and i just nod, trying getting up off my bed. before i can, he grabs my hand and pulls me back to the bed.

"waittt." he whines, looking up at me. he's now sitting up on my bed and i'm standing between his legs.

"what? i wanna talk to my dad." i say to him.

"can i come down?" he asks me and i think for a moment. i don't want him to. but i guess he can.

"sure." i pretend like i don't care and he follows me out of my room. my dad is downstairs on the couch.

"good morning." he says as he sees us and i give him a small smile.

"morning. so the storm is bad?" i ask and he ignores it. his smile slowly turns into a slight smirk. i look at him weird.

"what?" i ask confused.

"you never told me you had a thing with this boy." he says and my eyes widen. crap. of course he didn't. i didn't want him to know.

"o-oh." i stutter, glancing at rae. "i didn't tell you that because we don't." i tell him.

"oh stop it jay." he laughs a little and clicks the remote the change the channel on the tv.

"stop what?" i ask, almost regretting it.

"you don't have to hide anything from me. i saw you two cuddling. it was adorable." he says and i shake my head at him.

"no no dad we aren't dating or anything." i explain. he looks very confused.

"oh. then why did you invite him over so late and why were you guys cuddling like that? it seemed like you guys liked each other." he says. ah shit. of course it would seem like that. i don't blame him for thinking that. but i didn't want rae to hear.

i don't say anything and quickly go upstairs into my room. the rain outside is crazy, it's extremely loud.

"justin?" i hear someone ask and i look to my door and see raegan. i drop my head down again, looking at my feet as i sit at the edge of my bed. "um-"

"i'm sorry about him. just ignore it." i say, not looking up. i hear him coming closer and then i see his feet in front of me. he's standing right in front of me.

"am i making things worse?" he asks and now i look up at him. i shrug slightly.

"i don't know anymore. i like hanging out with you. i liked cuddling with you." i say but he doesn't say anything so i continue. "you make it seem like you like me back. i never wanted to admit it but i do like you. all these other people i've been with, they aren't the same. they were boring and.." i stop abruptly and shut my mouth. i shouldn't have said that. i shouldn't have stopped like that either. he's going to know.

"what?" he asks squatting in front of me so he is face to face with me. "and..what?" he asks again.

"nothing." i say shaking my head but he grabs my hand. he gives me those desperate eyes. ugh. "i was just going to say they were boring and only wanted me for my body.. but that's all you want as well. and i still fell for you." i explain, taking my hand out of his quickly.

"i-i don't know what to say. i just don't feel that way for you." he says.

"i know." i say, licking my lips and shrugging again slightly. "what are you gonna do?" i ask even though i meant it more like a statement. he noticed that as well.

"i would leave you alone right now, but i'm kind of stuck here." he says glancing out the window. i start to feel some sort of anger rise in me.

"see that's the thing!" i burst out suddenly, louder than expected. his eyes are glued to me now.

"what?" he asks.

"i don't want to leave me alone but yet i'm pissed at you. how does that make sense?" i say aggravated, staring back at him.

"you like me.." he starts quietly. "but i treated you badly because i didn't know. and i've never dealt with this before." he says and he's right. he's so right.

"we are doing it again." i point out. "we are taking about this again when we know it makes you awkward and me start acting like a little baby."

"you don't act like a little baby." he says coming closer to me. he puts his soft hand on my face, touching my cheek with his thumb.

"hmm sure." i say, trying to make it less tense in here. he smiles at me a little.

"why don't we just lay down again and watch a movie." he suggests and i just nod.

we lay back down on my bed, him spooning me like usual. i realize that i'm really small. his body is way more bigger than mine. way more masculine than mine. way more manly than mine. i'm small, almost weak, and not masculine at all. that's probably why he doesn't like me. well, one of the reasons why.

i'm still continuing this scene in the next chapter :)
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i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now