chapter thirty five - turns

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justin's p.o.v

it's been a few hours now and raegan and i are just in his room cuddling. it's been quiet and we're just enjoying each other company. it's not awkward but at the same time i want us to talk.

"baby?" i ask quietly. he keeps playing with my hair.

"yeah babe?" he asks. "what are you thinking?"

"that i don't want you to be friends with dave or shane or any of them." i say honestly just coming out and saying it. i life my head and so i can see his face and he just has a blank expression on.

"they are my main friends." he says and stops playing with my hair. "i don't talk to anyone else like i talk to them."

"but rae, don't you see?" i say sitting up and leaning against the wall. "they aren't your real friends."

"they would have just left by now if it really bothered them." he says sitting up with me also.

"no they are not going to leave because they want to torment me and break us apart. isn't that way more fun to them." i grin sarcastically and look away from him. i just want us to have no trouble.

i don't hear anything come from him. i just feel a grip on my hand and i look back over. he's looking at our hands.

"you know i love you to death..right?" he asks. i nod quickly.

"of course i do." i say, squeezing his hand.

"can you please trust me that i will stop them and make sure they don't bother us?" he asks, smiling a little. i sigh, nodding once again.

"yeah." i tell him.

"good." he pulls my hand towards him as well as my body. he smiles before kissing me slowly. i let go of his hand and put my hand on his neck.

"i love you to death as well." i say. "i never thought i'd ever be this happy with someone."

"i never thought i'd be with someone period." he says and chuckles. i shake my head, getting off of my bed.

"why don't we go somewhere?" i ask. he moves to sit at the edge of the bed.

"like where?" he asks curious.

"i don't know like um bowling?" i ask smiling cutely.

"is this a date?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"do you want it to be a date?" i ask. "this is when you say 'yes'." i laugh. he stands up and wraps his arms around me.

"of course yes. let's go." he kisses my forehead and takes my hand. we go downstairs and slip our shoes on. this should be fun!

we drive to the nearest bowling alley which is only about ten minutes. we get out of the car and intertwine our hands again. we walk inside and wait in like to get a lane. once we are next in line, almost at the register, raegan pulls out his wallet. he beat me to it.

"you pay for you and i'll pay for me-"

"you're joking right?" he raises his eyebrow and smiles. i shake my head.

"no, i don't want you to-"

"too bad, i am." he smiles bigger and leans down to kiss me softly. i whine and put my wallet away.

"if you're sure." i say and he glances over at me.

"of course i'm sure." he pulls out money and we move up to the register.

we tell the lady our shoe sizes and that we want two games to play. she hands them to us and tells us we are going to lane 25. we walk there and set up the screen with our names and such. then we put our shoes on.

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now