chapter thirteen - real low

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justin's p.o.v

the rest of the day went by so slow but i finally survived without seeing raegan for the rest of the day. when the last bell rang, i practically sprinted to my locker, putting stuff in it and then racing out of the school.

i get into my car and drive home safely. when i get home, i go to my couch and pull out some homework to do. i'm about to start writing when i start thinking about raegan again. raegan. he's so cute. but he's so fucking bad. he doesn't like me. he never will.

i like him so much. i don't even have a very good reason why. it's just him. fuck!-

*knock knock*

no. please no. i pray to god. no!

i walk to the front door, ready to burst out at him for coming to my house. he knows i'm mad and upset at him. i open the door quickly.

"why are-"

i'm cut off by the site of him in front of me, holding flowers. he has the most regretful face i've ever seen on someone. all of my anger just vanished. it's all gone now.

"i'm sorry justin." his eyes get glossy and i almost panic. no way he's about to cry.

"come here." i take the flowers and put them on the table. he steps into my house and i engulf him in the biggest hug. i could stand like this forever. now i feel bad. but i shouldn't.

"i didn't mean it." he mumbles but i ignore it. i just stay in the hug.

"i know." i say back.

"i need to tell you something." he says quietly as he comes out of the hug. his face looks worried.

"okay." i grab his hand and bring him over to the couch. crap i'm scared. he wipes his eyes frantically.

"i fucked up. i didn't think it would turn out like this." he says and my heart starts pounding out of my chest.

"what are you talking about?" i ask confused. we make eye contact and i get even more worried if that's possible.

"you know i do mess around with lots of people in our school..but it was different with you." he starts to say.

"what do you mean?" i ask. is he joking? what's he saying?

"my friends. they-..they dared me to hook up with you and then act really caring so you would fall for me and then i would just leave." he blurts out and i look at him like he's crazy. absolutely crazy.

"what?!" i raise my voice, standing off my couch.


"no way! no way you are THAT low!" i say loudly to him walking to my front door. i don't want to hear him. he follows me quickly.

"stop. wait jay please-"

"no!" i yell again and he freezes. he shakes his head frantically but i continue what i want to say. "if i knew you were like this and you had these fucked up friends you actually listened to, i would have never gotten involved with you. you guys are ridiculous. you're toxic and you made me fall for you. and i did. ughh!" i go off on him, frustrated as ever. he looks at me like he honestly feels bad. but i don't care. he really did that to me. really?

"justin hold on, i care about you. i do-"

"then why the hell would you do that to me? why would you even consider doing that to someone? to anyone? it's so messed up. and i told you i fell for you and you haven't left. so you're still fucking with me?" i keep going on and on, asking questions not expecting him to answer them though. i've never felt so angry. i never thought this would happen.

"it's not the same." he shakes his head, coming closer to me. i wipe my face and my eyes. no! don't cry. he doesn't care anyway.

"you expect me to believe that? after you fucked me and then went on to someone else expecting me to fall for you! and then keep hanging with me and having my feelings grow. and then finally admitting you don't like me which you never meant to spit out because you just wanted to leave unexpected. why are you still here? i fell for you raegan!" wow i never expected to ever yell at someone like this before. this is insane.

"i know. okay, i know it's so bad. but you made me not want to do the prank anymore. i do care about you and i'm sorry." he says quickly, feeling overwhelmed by my words. i can tell. it's crazy obvious. well, i don't care.

"yeah well-" i grab the flowers i put on the table in my hand and throw them back at him. "you're not forgiven. now get out." i cross my arms and he grabs the flowers in his hands, looking shocked. well i'm pissed. beyond mad.

"justin please." is all he can spit out.

"you know what raegan." i pause for a second. he waits. "i'm so sorry that i fell for you. i feel so sorry that i caused you to be the worst you can be. you're real damn low raegan. and you're not gonna mess with me anymore. i'm done." i explain, meaning everything i say. it's not worth it.

"let me explain-"

"no. it won't change anything. now like i said before, get out. for real this time." i say and point out the door. he waits a second before taking a deep breath and nodding.

"please call me later." he says and i almost laugh in his face.

"i hope to never talk to you again." before he says anything, he's out the door now. i slam my front door in his face and i feel my heart almost physically shatter. i thought we had something. i thought he actually cared. i thought he meant what he said sometimes. he never met anything.

i run upstairs and get in my bedroom. i sit on my bed and start to feel the warm tears rolling down my cheeks.

umm woah bahaha
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that's it ig, idk what to say hahah

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now