chapter fifty three - feel better

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justins p.o.v

"hey jay." dave says first and then i see they all notice raegan.

"hi, how are you guys?" i ask them and i can tell they are sort of confused.

"we're good, thanks. how are you and how's rae?" he asks and i glance at rae quick. he's still looking down slightly.

"we're good, i actually invited you guys here mostly because raegan told me to." i tell them and dave looks at shane and caleb.

"he did?" shane asks and i nod, looking over at him.

"yeah he wants to tell you guys something." i say trying not to smile big to give anyway.

"oh, okay." dave says and they all walk over to him. "hey rae." he says and raegan looks up at him, his eyes traveling from dave and then shane and caleb

"hi..dave right?" he asks stupidly and dave nods, sitting on the couch. all of them do, next to each other.

"yeah, that's me. do you remember these two boys?" dave asks trying to see if rae remembers.

"umm.." rae spits out trying to seem confused. then i see him look over at me who's standing, looking at them. i nod, smiling.

"that's shane, that's caleb. and you three are lucky i don't beat your asses for always being dicks about justin and i together." rae says, smiling cutely at them and i can't help but laugh. they all look over at me laughing and then back to raegan, confused as ever.

"justin what is going on?" dave asks me.

"guys can't you see!?" i shout and go over to the other side of raegan. i grab his hand and he looks at me. "he remembers. everything." when those words leave my mouth, they all smile. rae laughs.

"oh my god!" dave stands up and raegan does to, engulfing him in a huge hug. "i missed you buddy." they hug for a while, and i know they are both so relieved.

"we really missed you." shane and caleb hug him next, smiling. "it wasn't the same without you."

"i missed you guys too." rae says back to them. "i'm glad to be back." they all sit back down and rae wraps his arm around my waist.

"i'm mostly glad you're back because of justin." dave says and i tilt my head.

"why me?" i ask him.

"i know i don't know you well but i've never seen you so devastated. and the fact that you blamed yourself made me feel horrible. i wanted to help." he says and now i understand. aw, that's sweet.

"aw, thanks dave." i thank him and he nods, accepting.

"i do want to thank you three, especially dave for helping justin through all that. you all knew i'd want you to do that, so i appreciate it." rae says to them and they all look at each other.

"it's no problem really. we all needed to stick together to help you be you again." dave says and i kiss raegans cheek, trying to tell him that it was really nice what he just said to his friends.

"i'm glad there won't be anymore problems with us." i say and i think everyone agreed on that one.

"yeah definitely." dave says and i'm glad he agrees. "this may not be the best time but i'm having a party tonight, you guys are invited of course."

"oh uh.." rae looks over at me. considering dave won't try to get raegan to cheat again, sure.

"yeah, we'll be there." i say and rae smiles, kissing my lips quick.

"great, it'll be at 8. we have to go set up my house. see you guys later." dave says and they all get up.

"okay see you later." rae says waving goodbye at them. they all leave the house but rae and i notice dave doesn't leave the house yet. shane and caleb walked to the car. "everything good dave?" raegan asks him.

"i'm just.." he turns around to face us. "i'm so sorry for what i've done to the both of you over the past couple months. if i'm being honest, yeah i was jealous. but i shouldn't of been. you two are happy and i really couldn't be anymore happier for you." he says to us and rae and i look at each other. i smile, nodding.

"we accept your apology. thank you." raegan tells him. he nods, grinning a little.

"by the way justin if it makes you feel any better, it was all me who made raegan cheat. he didn't want to, he even talked about you when he was blackout drunk. he wouldn't of it it wasn't for me. i'm glad you two didn't end things." he explains more and i'm shocked at his words.

"yeah...that did make me feel better." i tell him.

"good, we'll see you two later." he says and walks out of the house. raegan and i look at each other shocked.

"i think you should always get in an accident when someone's messing with us." i say, obviously joking as we laugh together.

"agreed." he says planting small kisses on my cheek and then my neck. "i love you." he says, kissing my neck one more time.

"i love you too rae." i respond and we lay back on the couch, watching whatever is on.

he plays with my hair with one hand as the other arm is wrapped around me. i could just sit here forever, enjoyed his amazing company. i really do love this boy and that'll never change. i just hope his feelings will never change for me because that's what i'm always afraid of. i don't ever want to see him lose feelings for me. i want us to grow old and be together even when we are too old to underhand anything.

imagine being totally obsessed in a none creepy way with your significant other. we've been through a hell of a lot but that doesn't change what i feel for him. he'll always be #1 and i hope i'm always #1 in his heart.

woohoo aw, how cute

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