chapter fifty six - don't fight it

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justins p.o.v

the next morning, i slowly arise from my sleep from feeling someone rub my waist gently. my eyes open and adjust to the light as i look over. i see raegan awake, rubbing my waist and looking at me up and down. he looks up at my face and sees me awake.

"good morning-"

"shh." he cuts me off, climbing on top of me. he leans down so his face is inches away from mine. our noses touch and then our lips connect in a passionate kiss.

i wrap my arms around his neck, keeping him close
to me. our tongues wrestle for dominance and our legs tangle together on the bed. he has both of his hands on either side of my head, keeping his body up above me. i like this but i cant help but think something is wrong.

"rae..raegan?" i slow the kiss down, asking
for his attention. the kiss turns in to pecks and soon we our lips are hovering over each other's. "are you alright?" i ask him gently.

he nods, keeping his eyes on my lips. i put my hands on his cheeks and he looks into my eyes. "you just kind of scared me last night."

"i'm sorry baby-"

"no, no you don't need to apologize. i just didn't like how you felt uncomfortable around kyle and i could just see you were frustrated. i don't like seeing you like that." he says, tilting his head a little. he rolls to the side, getting off of me. i watch as he lays on his side, leaning his head on hand which is being held up by his elbow. he stays looking at me.

"it's over now. i was just being moody last night." i laugh a little. "but..why did you automatically kiss me like that when i woke up?" i ask him and he sighs a little.

"i wanted to show you that i love you and maybe make you feel good but now i'm thinking that was sort of silly. i should of just talked to you." he says and i smile, leaning to my side now so we are face to face.

"i liked it, i'm just glad you're okay. i always know when sometimes wrong." i squint my eyes playfully. "i'm like a hawk."

we both start laughing as i say that and i lean in to wrap my arms around him again. i peck his lips and snuggle my head into his neck.

"i love you too." i say and i feel the most comfortable when he wraps his arm around my waist.

"what do you want to do today?" he asks sweetly. i think for a moment.

"hm i don't know. it's sunday so maybe we can just chill here today?" i ask to see if he would like to do the same thing. he nods, kissing the side of my head.

"of course." he answers and i smile, never wanting to get up from this position.

a few minutes later of silence, we hear the doorbell ring. we both groan, get up and go downstairs. i see my parents aren't home right now.

i open the front door and the first thing i see is kyle. he's standing there, looking exhausted.

"hey kyle." i say, letting him come in. rae sits on the second to last step on the stairs and looks at kyle, squinting his eyes.

"hi, sorry i didn't text you or tell you i wanted to come over. i just wanted to talk to you about something." he explains and i just look at him for a second. what could it be?

"okay." i smile a little. i turn around to raegan and he rolls his eyes. "babe?" i go up to him and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"yeah yeah, i'm going." he gives me a quick kiss before standing up. he pulls me close and whispers something in my ear. "don't trust him. yell if you need me."

i playfully roll my eyes and nod. he walks upstairs and i look back at kyle.

"so, you two are all okay now?" he asks me and i nod quickly.

"yeah um actually after that happened, he got in a bad car accident and lost his memory. that's why i haven't really been talking to you because dave, shane, caleb, and i had to help him." i explain and his eyes widen.

"i didn't know that." he says confused and i nod, shrugging.

"no one did except us. he finally remembered though and i was just happy to have him back. he didn't mean to cheat, like you said." i grin and his face stays blank.

"so dave and them are all good with you as well?" he asks to clarify.

"yes, dave apologized and i accepted pretty much. i knew we had to stick together to help rae." i tell him and he nods, looking down. "what did you want to talk to me about?"

"i'm not so sure if- i think i'm gonna go." he says quickly and heads for the door but i grab his arm lightly, keeping him back. he looks down at my hand holding onto him and then my face.

"no, you can talk to me kyle. stay." i say nicely and bring him over to the couch. sitting us down. he sighs, running his fingers through his hair.

"i love you." he says quietly, not looking at me. i almost gasp as his words as i raise my eyebrows.

"i'm sorry..w-what-"

"i.." he turns his head to me quickly. "i love you." he says slower.

"you do?" i ask shocked and he nods. "kyle you- you know i'm with raegan." i respond and he puts his hand on my knee.

"he cheated on you." he says immediately after my words and i shake my head, disappointed.

"you were the one who told me he didn't mean it. that he was drunk." i say. his face gets closer to mine.

"tell me, if raegan never lost his memory, would you still have crawled right back to him like you did?" he asks, our faces closer than they should be.

"why does that matter? we are together now and that's not going to change. i'm sorry." i tell him and his eyes flicker down to my lips.

"i've been thinking about you like crazy ever since last night. actually.. for a while now." he says and i feel like i'm frozen. he's very close.

"you know we will never happen." i move back a little, seeing his face switch emotions. "i don't think you love me-"

"raegan can't give you the love you deserve." he says quickly, moving back closer to me. he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to to him. our faces are close again.

"please, stop." i say trying to push him away but he doesn't move. he tries to lean in closer so our lips almost touch but i turn my head. his lips touch my cheek and i get goosebumps. "kyle you don't need to do this."

"i can treat you better. i can love you a thousand times more than him." he gets more on top of me and grabs my face. my breathing picks up and he's too fast and strong to connect our lips in a quick kiss.

"come on justin, don't fight it." he says trying to sound soothing yet he's pinning my arms down on the couch. i push his face away and struggle to get him off of me. he doesn't budge.

"raegan!" i yell loudly, hoping he heard me and comes downstairs. kyle's face turns into anger and he grabs the back of my neck, pushing our foreheads together. "please kyle." i whisper. he tilts his head and leans in again.

continue in the next chapter!
this was a long one heheh
comment and vote pretty please ❤️

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now