chapter thirty eight - sorry

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justin's p.o.v

the next day at school, rae's friends didn't bother us to both of our surprise. as we walked in, they were not standing there anymore. that just proved to me more that they were there to only talk shit to us.

during lunch raegan guided me to another table and we sat with some other kids. we didn't talk to them but i could tell even after rae talked to dave and them, he did not want to sit with them. we we talked during lunch, sitting across from each other, i was facing dave's table. i saw him staring at us. like hardcore staring.

"omg thing dave told me yesterday.." raegan starts as he notices i'm looking past him at dave. my eyes shift to him wanting to know. "he told me he was mainly jealous because i hang out with you so much now."

"pfft" i let out. "i knew that already. such a dick." i say the last part a little quieter and rae laughs.

"yup. always has been in his own way." he shrugs. i look back over and just now see kyle sitting with them. he's talking to dave and they seem to be enjoying their conversation. oh. "you okay?" i hear and snap back into what's going on right now.

"what? oh yeah, sorry." i stop looking over and just look at raegan. "i love you." i tell him.

"i love you too." he says back. "let me come over after school?"

"okay." i smile at him. "can't wait."

it was finally the end of the day and raegan met me at my locker. i felt arms sneak around my waist from behind and i jump a little. then he digs his head in my neck and kisses the side of my neck.

"let's gooo." he whines and i shut my locker,

"okay." he let's go of my waist and puts his arm over my shoulders, the side of our bodies touching. we walk outside to our cars.

he meets me at my house right away and walks inside. once he steps inside and take his shoes off, he grabs onto me and i yelp, surprised at the sudden action. he carries me bridle style up to my room as i have my arms around his neck. he let's go of me and drops me onto my bed carefully and gets on top of me.

he smiles at me and i already know my face is as red as a tomato right now. how does he do this to me???

"you know..ever since we got together i've been the happiest ever. even with my friends being assholes, it never took away anything." he says and i smile back at him. it's good to know that. because it never took away anything from me either.

"and even when you being a little meanie before we got together, i've been the happiest ever since we started talking this year." i say and he laughs, coming down to kiss me. our lips love in sync together and he pulls away a little for a second.

"i've been more than a 'meanie' but i'll take that." he says and leans down to kiss me again.

this time he pins my arms beside my head with his hands and then takes his hands off. we kiss harder for a few minutes and once he kisses down to my neck and starts sucking slightly, i move my arms to tangle my fingers in his hair. but he stops.

"no." he says and puts my arms back. "keep them there." i can see the lust in eyes as he grips my shirt lifts it over my head. he throws it beside the bed on the ground.

i put my arms back beside my head, keeping them to where i can't touch anything. he sucks on my neck more harshly now and starts to move down. when he reaches my binder, he looks up at me. i look at him unsure.

"nothing i haven't seen before." he points out and grasps the bottom of it. i just nod, closing my eyes. my breathing has picked up rapidly.

he takes off my binder and nothing happens for a moment. it's just silent.

"you're gorgeous." i hear him say and i open my eyes, giving him a smile at his comment. he kisses down my chest to my stomach, leaving marks.

he finally reaches my sweatpants and looks up at me. again, i just nod. just as he's untying them, the doorbell rings. i roll my eyes and i heard raegan groans a little.

"who's that?" rae asks, getting off of me. i get off my bed and quickly put my binder and shirt back on.

"i have no idea." i say as i look out my bedroom window. "oh, it's kyle." i say.

"well in that case." as i'm about to walk out of my room, raegan grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. "we can just continue what we started." he smirks.

"stopp." i whine. "i have to let him in." i say walking to my bedroom door.

"no you don't." i hear being me and roll my eyes playfully.

"shush." i say and walk out of my room. i walk down the stairs and open my front door. there he stands, hands in his pockets once again.

"hey." i say and notice it's a little awkward. he waits a minute before answering.

"hi um, you don't have to let me in but i just wanted to apologize for-" he starts and then stops abruptly as his eyes shift to someone behind me. fuck.

"apologize for what?" i hear behind me along with footsteps down the stairs. i give kyle a look, telling him to come up with someone else.

"for..not sitting with justin at lunch. i told him i would and i didn't want to make things awkward because i was sitting with dave." he says and i feel an arm around my waist.

"it's okay, i was there with him." rae says beside me and kyle just nods. then he looks at me.

"it's okay." i nod at him smiling a little. "we're all good." i add.

"okay, thank you." he says. "i'll be on my way." he says turning around and walking back to his car.

"bye!" i yell to him and he turns around, waving.

"bye." he smiles and get inside his car. i shut the front door and turn to stand in front of rae.

"he's weird." rae says and i laugh a little shaking my head.

"and you're not?" i ask putting my hands on his face. he pouts and picks me up by my waist, taking my feet off the ground.

"i definitely am not." he kisses me and walks over to my couch. "let's watch a movie."

"okay." we both lay on the couch, cuddling as i look for a movie. he kisses my cheek and keeps looking at me as i pick one. "stop watch the movie." i move his head forward with my hand and laugh.

"fine." he says and we relax, watching the movie in peace.

hii people haha
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i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now