chapter twenty four - that was great

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justin's p.o.v

the next morning my parents lets super early for their work trip. they woke me up at four in the morning to say goodbye. i hope they have fun. god knows if i will while they're gone.

i'm up for school now, eating breakfast, all ready to go. i get a quick text from raegan.

want a ride to school?

sure if you wouldn't. my parents are actually not going to be home for a week so.

in that case i'll pick you up everyday. and we can hang out most days :)

okay :,)

i shut my phone off and finish my breakfast. i wait a few minutes before raegan's car is in my driveway. i throw my bag over my shoulder and walk outside, getting into his car. as i do he's already looking right at me.

"hey." i say smiling without being able to control it.

he doesn't say anything. he just swiftly leans over the center counsel and puts his hand on my cheek, bringing my lips to his. i close my eyes and we stay in a little lovable kiss for a few seconds. he pulls away but stays close to my face for a second. our eyes lock.

"hi." i says quietly grinning at me.

"you're such a tease." i shake my head, grinning right back at him.

he leans back in his seat and looks away from me, his face turning red. he's acting differently. it's cute.

"can i come over later?" he asks looking at me.

"yeah of course." i smile at him. "we should get to school." he seems to snap back into reality as i talk again. he was just staring at me for a few seconds.

"oh yeah." he laughs, starting to back out of my driveway. we drive to school with the music on just a little. but it's not awkward. we've been through a lot.

we arrive at school after a few minutes. we get out of the car and start walking in together. when we set foot in the building, i see raegan's friends who seem to be waiting for him. and they are the same ones from yesterday. one of them has a bruised nose because of what raegan did and he doesn't look happy. i also notice there's another boy with them who i've never seen before. my heart starts beating faster.

"yo raegan!" the friend who got mad that raegan punched the other kid yesterday says, coming up to us.

"hey." rae says back as they do a little handshake. i can tell he does not want to be in this situation talking to them right now.

"ready to get to class?" his friend asks him.

"he doesn't need to come with us everyday." the one who got punched mumbles.

"yeah but he usually does. and he's usually alone." the friend standing in front of rae says hinting at me. he's not alone because of me.

"i'm going to go." i say, tapping raegan. he turns to me and grabs my arm gently before i can walk away.

"hold on a second." he nods, whispering to me. i just keep still, looking at him.

"jesus raegan, give this kid up. what's so special about him? you're like in love with him now." his friend says and i start to get worried what raegan will do. "what happened to the old raegan? the one that loved to mess around with everyone and anyone? the one who went for popular people? hot girls in particular i may add." he finishes and at that last sentence, i'm stunned by raegan grabbing the kids neck and pushing forward. he walks the kid into the lockers against the wall harshly.

"shut the fuck up." he threatens, pushing harder on his throat so it's hard for the kid to breathe. there's a small crowd now and people are staring.

"look at you rae!" the one who got punched speaks again. rae lets go of the kids neck and turns around. the kid falls to the ground gasping for air. "first me and now dave! you're going to hurt your whole friend group over this one damn kid!?" he shouts, referring to me again.

"you guys can't keep your damn mouths closed." rae says going closer to him. i quickly walk in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

"raegan lets go please." i say, looking up at him. he glances down at me and his eyes soften completely.

"i'm sorry to tell you raegan, but you just seem like his bitch." my eyes open wide at the words that just came out his mouth. he's already got a fucked up nose, what else does he want?

i turn around and face the kid talking. rae tries too walk towards him but i don't let him. i stay in front of him.

"i'm sorry to tell you, but you're talking to someone who can make your face look a whole lot worse if he wanted to. your nose already looks like a damn grapefruit." i stand up to him, and all the people around him "ooo" and some start laughing.

i give him a death stare before grabbing raegans hand and guiding us out of all those people. we keep talking down the hallway until we are away from them.

"jay." he squeezes my hand and stops me, pulling me so i'm closer to him. he laughs at me. "that was great." he says quietly. i shrug, smiling back at him.

"it needed to be said. and i didn't want you breaking his face so i had to do something." i tell him laughing. he just stares at me, the slight smile still on his face. then he leans down and we kiss gently. it was quick, but meaningful.

"i love you." i whisper and he just keeps staring right into my eyes. i know he doesn't love me back. he just kisses me again, making it longer this time.

"let's go to class." he says and i nod. this morning had been long enough already.

school went by quick, no more trouble for the rest of the day. raegan drove him and i back to my house and we ran inside because it started to rain. when we took our backpacks and shoes off, i'm startled by him suddenly coming towards me and picking me up. he puts me over this shoulder and i hit his back lightly, laughing.

"raaeee." i whine before he drops me down on the couch and gets on top of me. my face is completely red by now and i'm smiling hardcore like an idiot. he starts doing that thing again where he will just stare at me. his eyes will travel all around my face and then stop at my eyes again.

continued in next chapter hehe
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