chapter thirty one - weird?

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justin's p.o.v

we arrive at raegan's house and go inside. i realize no one is home we we take off our shoes and backpacks. i then realize he's staring right at me.

"what?" i ask curiously.

"oh nothing, it's just that.." he trails off, coming towards me a little. his hand lands my waist as he doesn't continue talking.

"just that..what?" i ask. he looks up at me from his hand on my waist.

"we haven't really done anything in a little while." he says, his face leaning down closer to mine. i know what he means and it kind of scares me.

"yeah, i guess we haven't." i say awkwardly. his mouth forms a huge smile.

"don't you dare be awkward with me right now babe." he laughs. "it's just me." he adds and i laugh back with him a little. he's right.

"yeah well just you makes me nervous sometimes." i admit. he keeps his stare at me, and i can almost see the lightbulb above his head.

he leans down and picks me up, bringing my feet off the ground. he throws me over his shoulder and starts walking.

"raeeee." i whine, my arms handing down. he walks up the stairs and into his room. he shuts the door and drops me down on his bed.

"still awkward?" he asks and gets on top of me. then he starts tickling me. i shout in laughter at the sudden action and wiggle around on the bed.

"rae. rae! baby stop." i keep laughing and soon be finally stops and i try to catch my breath.

"are you really telling me every time we are going to have sex you're going to be all awkward with me?" he asks seriously as he's still on top me. he raises an eyebrow and i cover my blushed cheeks.

"maybe." i say. "are you saying we are going to right now?" i ask, repeating what he just said in my head.

"i mean, only if you want." he shrugs. "i think we should celebrate our..the start of our relationship." he smiles.

"i mean a nice dinner would be great." i say jokingly and his mouth drops as he smiles.

"fine fine we'll just go for dinner." he starts to get off of me but i stop him, grabbing his arm and bringing him close to me again.

"i said it would be great, not amazing." i say and he nods, agreeing with me.

"very true." he smiles. i keep looking at him, waiting for him to do something. "you wanna do this?"

"yes." i tell him.

he leans down and kisses my lips quickly, taking force immediately. after a few minutes of our tongues wrestling with each other, he kisses down to my neck and starts sucking harshly. i moan right away, missing this intense feeling. my breathing picks up at his does too. i can feel it right on my neck.

he stops for a moment and leans up. he slips his shirt off and as he does, i do the same to mine. his lips reconnect with my neck as he slowly starts kissing downward. my chest, to my stomach, to my rim of my pants.

he stops kissing and looks up at me. he puts both of his hands on the rim and i nod at him for approval. he takes them off, throwing them beside the bed. my boxers must already be soaked. he looks up at me again and kisses my lips. i think for a moment before thrusting my hips up and grinding against his heat. his breathing increases rapidly. and now i notice so does mine.

he returns the actions, grinding against me and i can feel his hard on. oh my god it's been a while. why am i so nervous?!

i bring my hands down to the rim of his pants and unbutton his jeans. i successfully do and slide them down with some help from him. now we are both in only boxers.

"this shouldn't be too hard." he says as he sticks his hand into my boxers gently and his fingertips press against my heat. i know exactly what he means. i'll say it again, my boxers are soaked. i look up at the ceiling, totally embarrassed.

he pushes two fingers into me and my body jolts up. i close my eyes tight and try to get used to the feeling. i feel his lips on my cheek a few seconds later and he picks up speed.

"you alright?" he asks me. "i can stop-"

"no i-i'm fine." i cut him off and i can feel my eyes roll to the back of my head as i moan.

he pulls out his fingers and the loss of contact is horrible. i didn't even reach my high yet. i open my eyes and see him reaching over his side table. he pulls out a condom and a bottle of lube.

"of course you have that right there." i say sort of jokingly but also serious. he smiles at me and you can hear our breathing so easy. he takes off his boxers and i take off mine as well.

he slips the condom on and puts some lube on it. he really doesn't want to hurt me. but has he hurt other people doing this? is this different for him? he's with a boy but it's like having sex with a girl.

"raegan?" i ask just before he's about to go into my entrance.

"yeah jay, am i going too rough? are you okay-"

"hey hey i'm okay." i say. " this weird for you?" i ask him. he looks at me with confusion.

"is what weird?" he asks.

"that you're dating a boy but i don't really have a..-"

"no no not at all." he sort of cuts me off. "justin." he kisses me passionately. "it's not about that at all. it's about me making you feel good." he smiles at me and i smile back. i then squirm a little, needing him bad right now.

"okay, yeah. i love you now can you please go?" i ask quickly and he nods, grabbing his member and positioning it. he puts a blanket over us and he pushes in slowly, letting me adjust.

it hurts but i bite my lip, back arching a bit off of the bed. he goes back to kissing my neck as he pushes in a little more with each thrust. he gets faster as i get more and more comfortable.

"uh raegan." i moan, gripping the bed sheets tightly. he's all the way in now and each thrust is harder than the last.

"fuck justin." he groans in my neck. i know he's enjoying this just as much as i am. "i love you too." he says responding to my 'i love you' i said before.

"i-i'm close." my eyes stay shut as our bodies move in rhythm. he nods in my neck. "hm babe keep going." i moan loudly.

we ride out our highs and i finally cum all over the condom. he groans deeply so i know he just did the same in the condom. he pulls out and leaves us trying to catch our breathes. he throws the condom out and falls on the bed beside me. we lay peacefully as he wraps an arm around me protectively. my eyes stay closed as we both fall asleep.

ooo smut ;))))

i'm sorry that i fell for you -jaegan-Where stories live. Discover now