chapter fourty four - tease

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justin's p.o.v

i meet raegan at his house and park my car in the driveway. i get out and walk inside, seeing him at the door because he was just a minute ahead of me. i walk inside and take my shoes off. as i'm doing so, i feel him grab my waist and pick me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"rae why?" i whine as i laugh at him. he doesn't answer and just walks up the stairs carefully. "if you drop me i swear to god." i say when we are almost at the top of the stairs.

i feel his grip loosen and i almost fall off of him, rolling down the stairs. i imagine myself hitting my head a thousand times as my life almost flashes before my eyes. i scream loudly but he catches me again.

"oh my god i would never drop you." he says walking into his room.

"it still scared me, holy shit." he sets me down in front of him and shakes his head at me.

"am i that untrustworthy?" he asks crossing his arms playfully. i raise an eyebrow at him and his brain seems to turn back on from a second ago. "oh um, don't answer that." he smiles quickly and turns around, siting on his bed.

"you're all happy today." i point out and give him jokingly weird look. "it's kinda creepy."

"hey." he pouts and crosses his arms. "well now i won't be because you ruined my mood." he looks down and doesn't move.

i think of such an evil, genius plan but he's going to be so mad. teasing.

i walk over to him and bend down a little, planting my palms on the top of his thighs and looking down. i can see his eyes on me as i quickly take one hand off of his thighs and grab him through his jeans tightly. i hear him hiss as he sucks in a breath and leans back a little. i look up at him and smile, now getting on top of his lap and immediately grinding on him. we lock eyes and i can see the pleasure on his face. he puts his hands on my hips and i lean down to kiss him. but before our lips touch, i jerk my head back quickly. then i get off of his lap and walk to the bedroom door trying not to laugh.

"oh my god." i hear him say as i look back and see his obvious boner. i run out of the bedroom and downstairs, sitting on the couch. i laugh to myself, waiting for him to come downstairs.

a minute later, he comes downstairs and points at his pants. "this is your fault, so you need to fix it." he crosses his arms. "this is so uncomfortable." he pouts next.

i get up off the couch and take his hand, building him upstairs and back into my room. i push him onto my bed and get on top of him.

"fine." i say and quickly unbutton his jeans, pulling them down his legs. he looks at me the whole time, his eyes watching my every move.

i then take his boxers off and take him into my hand. he jumps a little and his head rolls back. i start pumping him at a fast motion and keep my eyes on his face, seeing him close his eyes tightly.

"is this what you wanted?" i ask him and he nods, his breathing uneven.

"more than that." he says and i smirk, bringing my head down and replacing my hand with my mouth.

i hallow my cheeks, taking almost all of him into my mouth and repeating the same action. as my head bobs up and down, i feel him take a firm grip of my hair around his fingers.

"mmh justin." i hear him moan as i keep sucking, his hand pushing me down as far as i can go and i almost gag.

i twirl my tongue around his tip, making him go crazy. we've almost ever done this before. we either do the full thing or he satisfies me. he deserves a little something.

i feel his member twitch in my mouth and i know he's close. he moans roughly, his voice deep as ever. i go faster until i feel the liquid shoot down my throat and i swallow it. he takes his fingers out from my hair and doesn't move. i look up and see his chest moving up and down quickly.

i move up to his upper body and kiss him passionately, taking him by surprise. he kisses back and the kiss slows down after a minute.

"you can tease me all you want as long as it ends up like that every time." he says smiling and i roll my eyes, getting off the bed and handing him his boxers and pants.

he gets up and puts both of them on, zippering his jeans and grabbing my hand. he pulls me towards him and our bodies touch.

"i love you, you know that right?" he asks and i nod, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"of course i do." i say. i can see the look in his eyes and he looks irritated. not at me, just in general. "what's up?"

"i did not deserve what i just got after what i did to you." he shakes his head a little. "i should be repaying you whether it's taking you out or cooking you dinner or even just pleasuring you. not you pleasuring me."

"i'm over that rae. it took us a while to get where we are now and i've loved you since that day you tried to have sex with me at that party." i laugh a little and i see a slight grin on his face.

"i know but-"

"no buts. everything's okay. i love you and like i just said i know you love me. people make mistakes and i'm used to you making them." i say and joke a little at the end. he laughs, pulling me into a tight hug now.

"i never want you to be mad at me ever again. i hate it." he says gently.

"i hate being mad at you. but i think you've learned your lesson." i say and i feel his nod.

"yes i have." he says. "i just can't imagine life without you. you've changed my life."

i pull away from the hug and kiss once again sweetly. "good." i smile at his adorable dark pink cheeks.

this is gonna be a pretty long book! too bad like only 2 people read it 💀
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