chapter five -by far

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justin only has top surgery and raegan has both surgeries 👍
justins p.o.v

the next day, school was boring. i talked to raegan a bit during the day but we barely had a conversation. i didn't worry though, i knew he was still coming over soon. i'm home now, just sitting on my bed in my room. why am i still nervous? this happens all the time. i've done this before.

i got no text, but then my doorbell rings. i quickly rush downstairs and open the front door. raegan stands there. he definitely listened when i said come to my house earlier today.

"hi. come in." i say and move away. he comes in and gives me a little hug. i hug back and smile a bit.

he follows me upstairs and i shut my bedroom door. when i turn around, i'm startled by raegan's fast motion to take me off my feet. he picks me up and brings me over to my bed. he drops me on my back and gets on top of me. he stares into my eyes and i gulp.

he leans down and kisses me softly, at first. i kiss back and bring my hands to the end of his shirt, pulling it off of his body. he breaks the kiss and pulls his shirt over his head. i usually don't go into it this fast with people but i want to show him i'm just as cable of this kind of stuff as him. i am as tough as him. i know it.

he kisses down my neck and my stomach, stopping at my pants. he unbuttons my jeans and slides them off quickly. i do the same to him, and he helps me take off his pants.

i grab his face and bring it back up to my lips, wanting him more than ever right now. we kiss roughy and sloppily, and before i know it both of our boxers are off.

smut ;)
we don't stop kissing as i feel his hand start
rubbing me. my eyes squeeze shut as our lips don't stop colliding with each other's. then, i feel him enter a finger. my body has this rush of pleasure running through every part. i feel his lips leave mine and i open my eyes, feeling him go down and start to kiss my neck.

he adds two more fingers in a matter of two minutes, and he sucks harshly on my neck. now there's a little pain, but still pleasure. my mouth hangs open, and i cant help but moan at the feeling of him attacking my neck and moving his fingers in and out of me quickly.

"let it out." he whispers to me, as he kisses my lips once again. my legs starts to shake as i feel myself reaching my high.

i moan loudly as i squeeze his arm, warning him. he slowly down drastically as i release all over his fingers. he pulls them out and i lay there, breathing heavy. wow he's good at that. i look up at the ceiling and he starts to kiss my neck again.

he gets fully on top of me now, his elbows keeping him up. we are both naked, and i can feel his tip touching my lower stomach.

"i know you claim you're just as bad and tough as me, but you're sure you wanna do this?" he asks, ripping open a condom already. i need to act like i don't care. even though i do a little. i just need to do it. i've done it before.

"yeah, i don't care." i shrug and he smirks at me, sliding the condom on and looking at me. he puts blankets over us.

he positions himself and pushes in quickly. i feel a rush of pain shoot through my body. this is way different than his fingers. he pushes all the way in and my back arches off the bed. i groan softly and he leans down, kissing my lips.

he starts to thrust fast, and i go along with it. i moan into his mouth as he kisses me roughly. i bite his lip almost on accident as he thrusts really hard, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"do this feel good?" he asks, breathing a bit heavy, at this point it's gotten better. and i'm not gonna lie, it does feel really good. like really good.

i nod at him and tilt my head back, feeling all the pleasure overwhelm me. no one has ever made me feel this good before. woah.

"rae! rae." i almost panic as the knot in my stomach comes out of no where. i look into his eyes for a second and realize how beautiful he is. his face is just so pretty. he shuts his eyes and groans and i moan loudly, releasing once again. i feel him do the same into the condom.

he pulls out and takes the condom off. he throws it in the trash and we lay next to each other, breathing heavy. oh my god. it's never felt like that. that was so different. good different.

i feel him lay on his side and i look over at him, still trying to catch my breath. he smirks at me and moves his arm across my waist, pulling me closer.

"be honest." he says quietly and i look at him, nodding.

"was that the best you've ever had?" he asks and for a moment i don't say anything. i just admire his face. why is he different? why did i feel different? why am i feeling something different for him right now?!

"by far." i nod, kissing his cheek. i lay my head on his shoulder and he keeps his arm securely around me. this is kind of scaring me. why do i feel like this?????

we stay there, laying down in the silence. i don't ever want to leave this position. i know tomorrow at school he's going to be different, why am i scared of that? i'll be different to. this was just sex. right? we are friends with benefits. this means nothing. ugh! nothing.

hmm justin be a good boy, no catching feelings 😏
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