•Chapter 2•

737 17 4

The man turns around frustrated and takes a few deep breathes. 'All flights to England are cancelled.'

'What?!' escapes my mouth.

'There is some storm on the Northern Sea, so they can't fly over it.' the man sighs.

'Mom, dad, what do we do now? We had to take this flight.' I say in a panicking voice. 

'Have they announced other alternatives?' my dad asks to the man.

He nods. 'You can travel through France, you need to ask that lady there.' He points to a woman.

My mom takes my hand and we walk to that woman. 'How do we get to England?' she asks quite annoyed.

'The only thing we can offer you at the moment is travelling via France. From there, you will go to Ireland and then England.' she answers polite.

'How much will it delay us?' my dad asks directly.

She looks a bit nervously around. 'Approximately two days.'

'Two days?! I will never make it in time.' I yell stressed. 'The last auditions are in two days.'

'You will. Come up, hurry up and hop back in the car.' says my mom, already pushing me forward.

My father gets a refund for the tickets, puts everything back into the trunk and starts driving again. 

This adds so much stress to the stress I already had. 


It's late at night when we arrive in France. When I get out of the car, I notice how busy it really is. 

We grab our suitcases and hurry into the plane. Once we're seated, it doesn't take long for the airplane to take off.

I sigh deep. 'Now we hope that I'll make it in time.'


'We may be in London now, but how will we get to Manchester in time?' I ask confused.

My dad raises his shoulders. 'I have no clue. Hope that the taxi's will drive very far?'

I sigh and nod.

'There is a taxi.' My mom is pointing to one and starts to walk.

I grab my stuff, again, and want to walk, until I bump into someone and fall backwards. 'Auw.'

'Sorry, I didn't see you there.' I hear someone apologise. A boy. A boy with a really nice voice and an excellent tackle. 

I look up and look directly into the clear, green eyes of a boy. Beautiful eyes. that were closer than I expected. 

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now