•Chapter 81•

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I slowly wake up to see Niall sleeping next to me again. Our whole breakup now seems so surreal, like it never happened. I softly stroke his cheek smiling. I missed him more than anything.

His eyes flutter open, and he looks at me with a cute smile on his face. 'You have no idea just how happy I am to wake up next to you again.'

'I think I do.' I reply cheeky and kiss him on his forehead.

'A bit lower babe.' he says.

I kiss him on his nose in response and he chuckles. 'Just a teeny tiny bit more lower.'

I give him a kiss just above his upper lip. He wraps his arms around me, forcing me to lay on top of him. 'You're such a tease.' he says, before kissing me on the lips.


'We should celebrate that we are back together.' Niall says, and sits down on the couch with a bowl of cereal.

'Oeh yes!' I reply, while making my own bowl of cereal.

'Do you have anything in mind?' he asks.

'Well,' I start, and clean up the milk and cereal. I walk to the couch and sit next to Niall. 'I was planning on buying a dog for the longest time now, but I never did it.'

'I would love to have a dog.' he responds, and takes a bit of his cereal. 'Why not? Let's get one.'


Niall and I have visited three pet stores so far, but no luck. We walk into the fourth one today, and are immediately led outside.

'We don't like it for the dogs to say inside too much. They need the fresh air and playtime with each other.' the woman of the pet store says. 'What exactly are you looking for? What breed?'

'Something cute.' I reply, looking at the dogs and puppies.

Niall and the woman laugh, with Niall ultimately saying; 'We were hoping a Samoyed.'

'Alright we have three of those. One is a bit older, two are still really young.' she says, pointing at the three puppies.

'Niall! Look at that one, it's adorable.' I say, pointing to one of them in particular.

' I say, pointing to one of them in particular

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We both walk towards the puppy. It's a curious one. He is sniffing our hands and walking around us. Once I start to pet him, he becomes very cuddly.

'We'll take him.' I squeal out, and Niall and the woman laugh again.

'Alright, you'll have to fill out some paperwork for us. What will his name be.' the woman asks.

Niall looks at me for confirmation. 'Well, we already have a Chloe and Zoey, so this little lad will be called Joey.'

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