•Chapter 97•

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*p.o.v. Niall*

I swing the ball across the backyard and Joey and Zoey sprint after it, while Chloe waddles after them. Joey is a bit quicker than Zoey, catching the ball just before she could.

They happily return to me, with Chloe waddling behind them.

I swing the ball again, when I get a phone call. I look on my phone, but don't recognise the number ID. 'Hello?'

'Hello, am I speaking to mister Niall Horan?' someone else says on the other side of the line.

'That's me. How can I help you?' I reply confused.

'Hi, my name is Kim and I work at the North General Manchester hospital. I call you regarding misses Horan. According to her file, you are her emergency phone number.' the woman says.

Is Sam in the hospital???

'What's going on??' I respond concerned.

'Misses Horan was hospitalized several hours ago, due to a gun wound and heavy blood loss.'

'I'm on my way.' I say, before hanging up. I whistle, and the dogs come running to me. I walk to Chloe, pick her up, let the other two inside, walk inside myself and close the door. I release Chloe, grab my keys and head as quickly as possible to the hospital.


'I don't know what happened, I'll find out soon enough.' I say to Harry on the phone.

'Alright, I'll be there in an hour Niall. Hang in there.' he replies, and hangs up.

I park at the hospital and make my way inside to the reception. 'Hi, I'm Niall Horan, I'm here for Samantha Horan.'

'Hello mister Horan, we spoke on the phone. Misses Horan is in the surgery room to get the bullet removed. You may take a seat in the waiting room. Someone will call your name as soon as we have more information.' says the woman behind the counter.

I nod softly and sit down. What the hell happened?

After a few minutes, Liam arrives. 'How are you?' He instantly pulls me into a hug, and to my surprise I see that Danielle is with him.

'Worried sick.' I reply, and we break the hug. 'I don't know what's going on with her. Only that she has a gun wound and heavy blood loss.'

'That sounds awful.' Liam says and strokes my back.

'I hope she'll be alright.' Dani responds.

A doctor walks into the room, and seems to recognise me as he walks straight to me. 'Mister Horan, we have good news. Misses Horan was only shot in her shoulder, and she'll make a soon recovery. She and the baby are doing well.'

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