•Chapter 62•

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It's my birthday once again, but this time we're in the middle of our tour, and we actually have a concert tonight.

Niall walks back from the door and walks over to the bed with breakfast. 'Our breakfast is here, m'lady.'

'Thank you, my good sir.' I reply with a smile.

He joins me on the bed again, and sets out the breakfast. I enjoy breakfast, and eat as much as I can before Niall has eaten it.

'I have a little surprise for you.' he says, once we've cleaned up the breakfast mess.

'Really?' I respond, and look at him in excitement and curiosity.

'Close your eyes.' he says, and I do as he says. He gets up, I can hear him go through his bag, and he re-joins me. He takes my hands, and makes a bowl of it. He places a tiny box in my palm, and tells me to open my eyes again.

I open my eyes, and see a tiny box, which looks like a ring box. I open it, and the most gorgeous ring ever. It's rose gold, with a big rose and a diamond in the middle. The ring itself is thin, with small diamonds running around it.

 The ring itself is thin, with small diamonds running around it

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'It'sbeautiful, Nialler.' I say stunned.

'It's a promise ring.' he explains. 'Will you wear my promise ring?'

'Of course I will.' I reply happily and put it on my left ring finger.


'As some of you might now, it's someone's birthday today. Someone incredible is turning twenty already. We met this ray of sunshine a good four years ago, and they have stayed a very close friend of ours. In celebration of their birthday, we would like to sing them Happy Birthday, and we would appreciate it if as many of you as possible would join us. Harry birthday Sam.' Liam says happily,

'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.' he and the other lads start to sing, and soon the whole arena has joined them.

The boys of Five Seconds of Summer come onto the stage with a huge cake that has category one fireworks on top and put it right before me.

I listen with a big smile to the crowd and everyone else singing along and look at the giant cake. Once they're done, the fireworks are removed.

I am bowing over the cake to look at it up close, when I feel a hand on the back of my head, and before I know it, my face is smashed in the cake. I pull back as soon as possible and look at the boys with my mouth open. 'You'll regret that.' I grab two full hands of cake and start to throw it at them.

They run away, and I chase them with my cake hands.

Soon, everyone and everything is covered in cake, but none of it made it to my tummy. 

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now