•Chapter 79•

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Everything stands still for a moment. Niall. I haven't seen him in months, only thought about him and what I would tell him if I ever got the chance.

'Niall.' I say, without really thinking.

'Sam.' he replies.

'I didn't expect to see you here.' I say, with a hint of confusion in my voice.

'At first, I didn't plan on going, but then I heard you were nominated and going, so I decided to come.'

My heart starts to beat faster, and the little butterflies start to slowly fly around my stomach. 'Okay.'

'I'm sorry about you and Shawn, you seemed like a good couple, but then again you would marry me obviously.' he says, while trying to hide his smile.

'Calm down, I made a mistake while talking but didn't want to change it anymore, because that would make it more uncomfortable and awkward.' I respond, grabbing my purse.

'Or is it what you really want?' he asks.

'What do you want from me Niall?' I ask back annoyed.

'I want to talk to you Sam. Please?' he says, half begging.

'Fine.' I reply. 'But at my place, so I can kick you out any time I want.'



I sit down opposite of Niall and look at him. 'You wanted to talk. Talk.'

'Look, you know how much I care about you and how much I love you.' he says, while looking at me with teary eyes, which makes me swallow. 'I never wanted to break up with you.'

'Then why did you?' I ask, feeling the lump in my throat.

'Because they forced me. Management requested to talk to me, so I went there and I assume we had a new boss, because I had never met that woman. She told me to break up with you, or you and your family would get hurt. After your mom landed in the hospital, I knew I had to let you go.'

Tears start to roll down his eyes, which makes it harder for me not to cry.

I sniff, trying to hold back my tears. 'Why didn't you tell me this?'

'I couldn't. Then she would definitely hurt you.' he looks at his hands, crying softly. 'I had to date Hailee from her. I wanted to protect you, so I did. When she finally said that we could break up, I learned that you had found yourself a new boyfriend.'

I look at him in pain. He unwillingly had to go through all this, and I didn't make it easier for him.

'I thought I had ruined my chances forever to be with you,' He finally looks up at me again. 'But then you did that Carpool Karaoke and unconsciously said that you would marry me, and that gave me hope. So when you and Shawn broke up, I knew I had to grab this chance and talk to you.'

We look at each other, not speaking for minutes, only looking. Seeing the pain in each other's eyes. Seeing what this has done to us.

'Why can you tell me this now and not before?' I finally ask, breaking the silence.

'Because she vanished. She said that the damage is done.' he replies.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now