•Chapter 60•

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[A/n: Thank all of you so much for 2K :) You have no idea how happy this makes me.]

'They are Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum from five Seconds of Summer.' Liam introduces the boys to me.

'We met them last year during touring, and they are really good. So, this year while we tour in Australia, they'll be our openings act.' Louis adds, and both Liam and Louis are off to soundcheck.

'Nice to meet you guys.' I say to them with a smile.

'Nice to meet you too.' is the general response of the boys.

'Is it true that you never literally get out of breath while singing?' Luke asks me.

I laugh at his comment. 'I do get out of breath at some point.' I get myself song water to drink and turn back to them. 'So what kind of music do you make?'

'Punk and rock kinda music. You want to hear something?' Ashton answers.

'Samantha, head to soundcheck please!'

'I'll hear it tonight during the show.' I say smiling, and walk over to the other boys.


The boys of five Seconds of Summer are running after the lads with shaving foam, trying to smudge it in their face. Meanwhile, the lads try to avoid the shaving foam, while still performing Teenage Dirtbag.

'If someone's wondering what it's like to tour with nine guys, this is exactly what it's like.' I say into the microphone, shaking my head laughing.

The crowd goes absolutely mental tonight, oh my god.

Luke walks towards me with shaving foam. I look at him in suspicion, not trusting him one bit with that. He's fully covered in the foam, while trying to get it out of his face. 'You're still so clean.'

'The lads know that if they put shaving foam on me, that they will be dead.' I reply chuckling.

'Would you kill me too if I would do that.' he asks with a wink.

'I make no exceptions.' I say stubborn.

A smirk appears on his face. 'Then I won't. Wouldn't want to make such a pretty face all dirty.'

Out of the blue, Niall smashes a small, cardboard plate full of shaving foam right into Luke's face. 'The ones you're allowed to foam are over there mate.' He emphasizes the word mate in a weird way. He said it in a manner that I have never heard him say anything before. 

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