•Chapter 32•

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He slides his hands to my cheeks and goes through my hair with his fingers. The whole bottom half of my face is resting in his two big hands.

I kiss him more intensely and lay one hand on his neck, and the other glides over his chest to his back.

He pulls back after a long while and looks into my eyes. The light of the moonlight is shining in his eyes, and I can see the beautiful, emerald green glow of his eyes. '"I should've kissed you."'

I only look into his eyes, trying to catch my breath and think about what to say. I'm way too hammered to be thinking straight.

'Even if nothing ever happens between us, I'm happy I finally kissed you.'

That one little sentence was enough for me to kiss him passionately again.


I slowly open my eyes and sit up straight. My head is aching so much. I quickly look next to me, and thank god there is no one there.

'Luckily, I didn't think too much with my vagina.' I say out loud and a quick breath of relief escapes my mouth. 'What the hell happened last night?' I grab my phone to see if I have any messages and boy do I.

Niall: You looked stunning last night
Eleanor: Hey, just checking to see if you're okay
Harry: I'm glad I finally kissed you ;)
Mom: Congratulations on the awards sweetheart!

Oh boy..

"Congratulations on the awards sweetheart! I'm still so sorry that it ended so abruptly with Charlie. Dad and I are super proud of you xx Mom"

"Thanks mom! I can't wait to see you and dad again xx"

I dare to open the chat of Eleanor, but the other two.. That's a whole other thing.

"Hey, just checking to see if you're okay. Louis told me you were really drunk last night and that Harry brought you home. You okay?"

Eleanor is so incredibly sweet. I immediately start to smile when I read her message.

"Hey, that's so sweet of you, thank you El. I'm okay, a killer hangover, but that's it"

I yawn while walking to the kitchen, grab a glass of water and put an aspirin in it. I grab my phone and go back to Eleanor's chat.

"Would you mind coming over today? I really need to talk to someone asap"

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