•Chapter 35•

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I ring the doorbell and retract my arm. I rub my hands together, trying to get rid of the clamminess, but it's no use.

The door opens and Niall appears in the opening with a smile on his face. 'Hey, you're here. Come in.'

I smile back and walk inside. I walk directly to the couch and sit down.

'Something to drink?' he asks.

'No, thank you.' I reply. I'm so nervous, I can neither drink nor eat right now.

He nods and sits next to me on the couch. 'What's the matter? You wanted to talk?'

'I don't know how to begin.' I say in all honesty.

'Why are you here Sam? Let's start with that.' he responds friendly.

I look at my hands. 'A few days ago, Eleanor and I talked about you. And Harry.' I barely pronounce Harry's name.

'About the fact that we both like you?'

I look at him with a mix of surprise and shock, and he laughs. 'You don't seriously think that Harry and I have not talked about you at all, right?'

I start to stammer and mumble, but nothing useful comes out of my mouth. What do you respond to that?? 'Does he know that we kissed?'

Tip: Do NOT say that in this situation..

'Um no, he doesn't. I wanted to and that he told me that you visited him at the Chatty Man show.' He scratches the back of his head and thinks. 'I really like you Sam, but it's weird to think that you also like Harry. That will forever be in the back of my mind. It just feels wrong, he's my best friend.'

I look at my hands again. 'I like you too, Niall.' I look up into his ocean blue eyes. 'I've always liked you, from the moment I first met you at the show.'

He looks at me and I see that there is doubt in his eyes.

'The only reason that I started to look differently at Harry was because I figured out that he likes me.' My bladder is letting me down once again and I get up instantly. 'Excuse me.' I run to the toilet and do my thing.

When I walk back into the room, Niall is holding my phone. '"I'm glad I finally kissed you."' 

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now