•Chapter 12•

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The nights on which we perform always go by so quickly. We perform, get commentary, there's a group performance, the results and then the bottom three fight for their spot on the show.

The results are the most nerve-racking, because you'll know what the people at home think about you.

Suddenly, Harry sits next to me. 'Hi.'

'Hi Harry.' I say with a smile.

He scoots closer to me and leans backwards. 'How did your performance go?'

'Great as always. You?' I answer. I just noticed how close by he is actually sitting. The entire couch is free, but instead he is sitting against me.

'It went really well. Everyone was so enthusiastic.' he starts happily. 'And the judges are still so surprised that we sound so great together.'

'I'm so happy for you guys.' I say smiling wide.

'Thanks. This week will be no different from other weeks.' he says winking at me, and I look at him not-understanding. 'We'll probably go through.' he clarifies.

'Ooooh.' I say nodding. 'I really hope so.'

Harry and I both turn around as we hear Niall clear his throat dramatically.

'Oh hi Niall.'  I say, a bit confused as to why he would clear his throat like that.

'What do you want?' Harry asks harsh.

'What were you guys talking about?' Niall asks suddenly.

'Not that it is any of your business, but we were talking about the performances.' Harry says without looking at Niall.

'You don't have to be such a prick, Harry.' Niall responds harsh.

'You don't need to interfere with everything, Niall.' Harry says back.

'Okay.. I'll let you two alone for a minute.' I say in between and get up quickly. 'I'll see you guys at the results.' I say, before hastily walking away.

'Look what you just did.' I hear Niall say in an angry voice.

What is the matter with them??

'Hey Sam.' Cher says happily when I come across her.

'Hey.' I say and look around me to see if anyone can hear us. 'Niall and Harry are fighting or something. I was chatting with Harry, until Niall came and they started bickering to each other.'

'Maybe Niall is jealous.' Cher says, winking at me and a grin appears on her face.

'Yeah sure.' I say laughing, while rolling my eyes.

'Results are in!' is being announced.

'Show time.' Cher sings, before walking to Cheryl, each of standing on one side of her.

Before the results are announced, we have to gather backstage. Dermot then calls out our names, and we need to make way onto the stage.

For this show I sang I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston. The judges and audience here loved it, but you never know how the people at home will vote.

I hold Cheryl's hand, and Cher holds her other hand. We first came to the live shows with four girls, but we are the only two left. There's also one person from people over 25, one group, which are the boys, and two contestants of the boy category. It becomes more thrilling by the week.

'Alright, all of you at home have voted for your favourite of the evening and all the votes are counted.' The spotlights turn on, while Dermot continues talking. 'The first to go through to the next round is.... One Direction!'

The boys jump into the air of excitement and go backstage feeling relieved.

'The second contestant, who has fought their way into the next round is............ Samantha!' Dermot yells happily into the microphone.

A bright smile appears on my face, and my heart stops with racing. I hug both Cheryl and Cher and make my way backstage. Just out of sight, I wait for Cher. 

Of course, Dermot is making it even more nerve-racking than usual. The entire room is silent again and Dermot reads the name on his piece of paper. 'The very last one to have a guaranteed spot for the next round is.... Matt Cardle!'

The audience starts to cheer, but all I can do is hold my hand in front of my mouth. Cher is in the bottom three..

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now