•Chapter 45•

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With burning tears in my eyes, I look at the performance of the boys. After this performance, the boys will leave for their second world tour. Which means that I will barely/not see Niall for the next three months and that breaks my heart a little bit. I'm so happy for him, but it'll be so difficult to see him leave for such a long time.

Eleanor and Danielle will join them for most of their tour, and Perrie will join after her United Kingdom tour. Unfortunately, I have my own tour planned and it's not in sync with the lads' their tour. 

I look at Niall, who is performing with the biggest smile. He absolutely loves this, I know that. I'll miss him so incredibly much. More tears start to form in my eyes and I sniff.

'It's going to be okay Sam.' Dani says, while wrapping her arm around me.

'I truly understand why you're having such a hard time. I find it difficult to be away from Louis for a week, I can't even imagine months.' Eleanor says, and the pity is clearly there.

'Nothing we can do about it, just have to go through it and try to make the best time out of it.' I reply with a sigh.

'Thank you for the lovely evening London!' Harry shouts into the microphone, and boys close the concert.

I quickly dry my tears, while the boys come backstage.

Louis smells his armpit and starts to gag. 'I need a shower.'

I chuckle softly.

Niall walks to me and embraces me in a hug. 'Don't cry princess.'

'Easier said than done.' I say and smile faintly, whilst hugging him back.

'Stay away from me!' Eleanor squeals and runs around the room away from Louis.

I have to laugh, and look back at Niall. 'How can I miss this?'

'You can enjoy this mess again before you know it.' he responds with a grin.

I shrug. 'For just one day, and then we have to say goodbye again.'

'I just want to hear those three little words.' Eleanor says to Louis in the background.

'I love you.' he replies, with a playful grin.

Eleanor chuckles. 'That's sweet, but try again.'

Louis is quiet for a while. 'I will behave.'

'There we go.'

I look at them, they're such goofballs. Eleanor is so lucky to be able to join them, she barely has to miss Louis at all.

'We'll get most out of that one day love, I promise. Go have fun on tour, and be that fearless, fierce, strong artist that you are and that I love.' he says in a sweet tone. He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head. He smiles at me, before kissing me.

I never want to let him go.

He pulls back after a while. 'I have to go.' he says, and tears start to form in his eyes, which makes my eyes tear up again.

'I'm going to miss you so much Nialler.' I say sobbing softly.

'I'm going to miss you too princess, so much.' he replies and strokes away a few of my tears. 'It will be so weird to wake up and not see your beautiful face.'

I smile at him, whilst the tears are rolling down my cheeks. I hug him tightly, and he hugs back.

He strokes through my hair, and holds me close. 'It will be okay love. Soon, we'll see each other again.'

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