•Chapter 68•

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Niall and I walk through the corridors of the hospital that my mom's at. When I see my dad, I quickly run to him and pull him into a tight hug.

I can't help but cry a bit by the thought that mom is laying there, and I can hear dad sniffing.

'How is she?' Niall asks dad, once we all sit down.

'She's doing better, but she still has to heal. She has woken up in the meantime, but sleeps most of the time.' Dad sniffs again. 'The doctor is convinced that it's not a heart attack, but doesn't know what else it could be.'

We both nod and sit there with the three of us in silence for a while.

'Misses Meijer is ready for visitors.'

All three of us get up, and we are led to a room, and we walk inside.

My mother looks very pale, but other than that luckily quite the same.

I walk over to her bed and take her hand. 'How are you feeling mom?'

'I'm alright dear.' she replies. 'It was the strangest feeling I have ever had. All of a sudden, my legs stopped working, and I collapsed onto the ground. After that I passed out, and I woke up in here.'

'Did it feel like a heart attack?' I ask.

She shakes her head. 'No, it felt nothing like it. It felt like something was wrong in my body, something that doesn't belong there, and my body tried to fight against it.'

All of a sudden, Niall rushes out of the room.

'I'll be right back.' I say, as dad replaces me and I walk out of the room. I walk through the corridors again, in search of Niall.

When I find him, he's sitting on the floor, with his back against the wall and his knees up, while he's hyperventilating.

'Niall??' I exclaim worried, run towards him and I go through my knees beside him. 'Take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.'

We're both slowly inhaling and exhaling, and he eventually calms down.

'I'm sorry.' is the only thing that he can say. 'It hits close to home.'

I pull him into a tight hug and stroke his hair. 'It's okay.'

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