•Chapter 47•

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My phone is buzzing, and I pick up without looking at the number ID. 'Hello?'

'Hey princess, how are you?' I hear Niall on the other side.

A big smile appears on my face. 'Hey you. I'm doing well, how are you?'

'I'm okay. I just saw your Comic Relief Africa Diary.' he says, and I can hear him sniff. 'And then I really started to miss you, so I thought let's call her. I also heard Waka waka and saw the Heal the world. Really beautiful love.'

'Thank you.' I say happily. 'How's tour?'

'It's great. Perrie has joined us in the meantime.' he replies. 'How's yours?'

I let myself fall on the couch of the tour bus. 'A bit lonely, but alright.'

'I can't wait to see you again.' he says, and everything stops. I think back to the time when we were still on the show and he texted me that. The same feeling returns to my stomach, and a bigger smile grows on my face.

'I can't wait either.'


'You people are so amazing.' I say laughing, while walking around the stage. 'Alright loves, this next song you all know and adore. It's about a boy.' I start my story, but stop to let the crowd scream and cheer. 'This song doesn't need an introduction, does it? This is Before he cheats!' 

The audience starts to scream even louder, while the music starts. My fans know this song so well, that because they're singing along, you can barely hear, even with my microphone being the loudest it can be.

In the midst of the song, the music changes drastically. My backup dancers and I gather together and start the dance breakdown. 

Afterwards, I take over my microphone again. This is the most difficult part; Singing after a dance breakdown. I manage to still hit the high notes, and I know that because of the crowd's reaction.

After also singing Titanium en Waka waka, I'm quiet, trying to find the words to introduce the next song. 'Maybe this has happened to you, and maybe it hasn't. It did happen to me. You like two boys at the same time, and you don't really know what you want or should do. During my struggle, I wrote this song. Let me hear you for So In Love With Two!' 

'If I only could decide, but I can't make up my mind. I'm breaking all my rules, because of you. You can tell me it's not right, and it tears me up inside. But the problem is I'm so in love with two.'

The media has been speculating for weeks about which boys this song could be about. Almost every guy from the music industry has passed them, including the boys, and even Charlie. Every time I sing this song, I go back to that time, and boy, what am I happy that I'm no longer there.

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