•Chapter 30•

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@SamanthaMeijerOfficial: "Thank you for all the birthday wishes :) Love, Sam"

I smile, like an idiot, to my own tweet, and like a few other tweets. I get out of my car, and grab my keys to open the door. Once it's opened, Zoey attacks my legs, while Chloe waddles slowly towards us.

If I said it once, I've said it a thousand times: Chloe is my spirit animal.

'Hi there pretties.' I say smiling bright and sit down on the floor. 'I've missed you two.'

Zoey jumps in my lap, while Chloe pushes her head against my hand. I grab my phone again, while I'm cuddling with my babies in the middle of the corridor. I scan through the ratings of my debut album, which I released a week ago.

It's going really well. The album is number one in the UK, Ireland, America, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, and so on. Especially my singles Before he cheats and So in love with two are breaking records.

After cuddling a bit more, I get up and walk to the dining area, where I drop my bag on the table. I walk over to the kitchen to make some tea.


'OH MY GOD!' I squeal, before falling on the ground. 

'There you go, scared to death as a gift.' I hear Louis say laughing out loud.

'That's very cheap of you, Lou.' I respond breathing heavily.

Eleanor and Liam help me back on my feet. 'Congratulations.' they both say happily and give me a hug.

'I didn't expect anyone here.' I say, still dizzy.

'You didn't think we would miss your 18th birthday right?' Cher says, while walking towards me with a big grin on her face and hugs me. 'Congrats.'

'Thank you.' I say joyful. 'I've missed you Cher.'

'Of course you missed me, I am the most fun.' she laughs.

Louis dramatically clears his throat, while walking towards us. 'I've got a different opinion about that.'

I nod grateful to Louis. 'Thank you Louis. Everyone knows I am the funniest to be around.'


We're all sitting around the fire place outside. Zayn has his arm around Perrie, Eleanor is laying against Louis, and Liam has given his jacket to Danielle. Cher and I are scooped together under a blanket and Niall and Harry are both sitting across from me. All the others have left already.

The fact that both Niall and Harry are sitting opposite of me makes it a lot more difficult to not stare at them the entire time.

Niall got me a beautiful necklace for my birthday. It's rose gold, and has one lily in the middle and two roses next to it. I didn't really know how to react, since we're not really talking at the moment, but I thought that it was really sweet of him.

'Yaay, Zoey is coming.' Perrie cheers.

Zoey walks to me first, but after she hears Perrie continuously whistling and calling her name, she runs excitedly to her.

'I'll be right back.' I tell Cher, get up and go inside. A few minutes later, I come back with a guitar. 'Who can play something?'

Niall raises his hand and I give him the guitar. He first tunes it and then starts to play I'm Yours.

All the boys start to sing, and the girls listen to them. They still sounds so great with the five of them.

I move my head with the rhythm and start to sing automatically. 'I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror.'

'And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer.' Perrie joins me and the boys.

Cher smiles wide and joins too. 'But my breath fogged up the glass.'

'And I drew a new face and I laughed.' Dani sings too, and finally Eleanor joins as well. 'I guess what I been saying is there ain't no better reason.'

The boys slowly stop with singing, and only the girls remain singing. 'But I won't hesitate no more, no more. It cannot wait I'm yours.'

I look up at Niall and Harry. 'I'm you-oh-oh-oh-oh-ooours.'

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