•Chapter 24•

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'But every time I see you or hear about you in the news or whatever, I think about that night after the finale.' 

I start to become very warm on the inside. After all this time, he still thinks back to that night.

'I should've kissed you, and I really wanted to, but I got startled by Louis and the moment was gone.' He tries to look at me, but I look away. 'I feel like I've missed my chance with you. Selena is a great girl, but it's unfair to her when my mind keeps thinking about you.'

I nod softly. What the hell do you say to that??

'I want you back in my life Sam. I barely see you, and you're so important to me. But when you come back, I don't know what to do with Selena.'

I want to tell him I really, really like him. That his chances with me aren't over, but it's not fair to him. 'Don't let her go. She sounds wonderful.' I say, while swallowing the other things I want to tell him.

'Be honest with me. Did I miss my chance to be with you?' he asks quietly.

My heart skips a beat of how badly I want to kiss him right now. My breathing is the only thing I can hear, and I look into Niall's ocean blue eyes. I want to nod, so he can move on with Selena, but instead my head shakes no. 

He looks at me, while his eyes slightly widen in surprise. He nods, turns around and walks inside.

I keep Chloe close to me and inhale and exhale deeply. Niall and Harry. Now it all makes sense.

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