•Chapter 98•

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*p.o.v. Niall*

A doctor walks into the room, and seems to recognise me as he walks straight to me. 'Mister Horan, we have good news. Misses Horan was only shot in her shoulder, and she'll make a soon recovery. She and the baby are doing well.'

My whole world stops for a second. My heart skips a beat. I look up at the doctor in disbelieve, not sure that if I heard him correctly. 'She and the- the baby?'

'Yes. You weren't aware yet that she is pregnant?' the doctor asks.

'No.' I say indignant.

'Oh. Should I inform misses Horan too?' he asks again.

'No, I want to tell her.' I reply. The doctor nods and tells me in which room she is, but that she's still in anesthesia. I walk together with Liam and Danielle towards her room. 'So.. You two are back together I assume?'

'Yeah. We got to talk at the wedding, and started over from there.' Liam responds with a smile.

I nod. Once we finally arrive at her room, I walk into the room alone. This brings me back to the time she got into that car accident years ago. It's aching my heart, but I'm glad that she's recover soon.

I take her hand and slowly rub it with my thumb. I grab a chair and sit down, waiting for her to wake up.


*p.o.v. Samantha*

I slowly open my eyes. God, I have such a bad headache, and my left shoulder hurts so much. I look to my right and see Niall sitting there. He's looking at the ground, while holding my hand. 'Hi.'

He immediately looks up, and a small smile grows on his face. 'You're finally awake.'

I smile back at him, before looking at my shoulder. It's wrapped in bandages. I try to remember what happened. All I can hear is gun shots and I get startled by it. My breathing start to quicken and I can feel my heart beating.

'You okay?' Niall asks concerned.

'I just remember what happened.' I reply.

'What happened love? Tell me.' he asks again, getting up from his chair to stand closer to me.

My eyes start to fill with tears when I have to think about that horrible moment again. 'I got shot in my shoulder during my concert.'

A police officer walks inside, and to my surprise I recognise him. It's the same police officer that also worked on the car accident case. 'We know who did it.'

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now