•Chapter 9•

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'Who do you think it is?' Cher asks suddenly.

'Our mentor you mean?' I ask back and look at her.

'Yeah,' she answers. 'I hope it's Cheryl, she's amazing.' 

'Me too. Even though I have never met her in my entire life.' I say chuckling.

'You'll love her, just wait.' she say, smiling back at me.

'If you say so.'

At that moment, someone walks down the stairs and everyone shushes immediately. 

Cheryl Cole is standing right in front of our noses, the Cheryl Cole! She looks at us and smiles. 'Hello girls.'

'Hii.' we answer back and some of the girls start to fangirl.

'I'm your mentor this year, I'm absolutely buzzing about it.' She smiles and looks at us. She stops at me and points at me. 'You're the only one I have not heard live, but I've watched the videos.' She claps in her hands, to make the fangirlers quieter. 'Okay, you're here to show me what you got. At one o'clock we'll start. When your name gets called, please head up these stairs. At the end of the hall, you can go down the stairs again, I'll be waiting there. Good luck everyone, and see you soon.'

We clap and she smiles bright to us, before heading up the stairs. 

'We have a few hours before the auditions start.' I say and turn around to Cher. 'Enough time to practice.'


'Should I make the last note long or short?' I ask Cher curiously.

'Short, you have more longer notes, it will be better if you keep it short.' she answers.

I nod. 'Short, like me.' 

She laughs. 'Exactly.

'Samantha Meijer!' I hear someone yell.

'The audition must have begun already.' Cher squeal, before getting up.

'I got to go, see you later!' I say and run inside.

'Good luck!' 

'Cheryl is waiting for you.' the same person says to me, when I arrive inside.

I nod and follow Cheryl's directions. 'There you are.' she says when she sees me.

I smile to her and feel my heart racing. I stand on the spot they tell me to stand.

'You may start whenever you're ready.' she says on a sweet tone.

I nod to the musician, who starts to play.

'Give me a second I, I need to get my story straight. My friends are in the bathroom gettin' higher than the Empire State,' I start to sing.

Cheryl is listening carefully and leans forward.

I smile to her and finish the song. 'Tonight.'

She claps and smiles wide to me. 'Thank you Samantha.'

My smile brightens and I leave the room again. I turn around to search for Cher and bump right into her. 'Oh hey! The audition went really well.' I shriek enthusiast.

'G-g-g.... g-great.' she says very hoarse. 

'Cher? You okay?' I ask her and turn her around so I can see her face.

Her eyes are puffy and red and tears roll down her cheeks. 'I-I lost m-m-my voi-voice...'

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now