•Chapter 93•

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The rest of the wedding was so much fun, especially that night when we were finally alone.

We've arrived a few hours earlier in Hawaii for our honeymoon. We found this cute house/cabin here, with part of a beach. I guess luckily for us, only rich people come here, which are usually either old people or celebrities. Either way, both of those groups want some peace and quiet, which is why this was the perfect spot for us two.

Niall takes my hand, while we're slowly walking over the beach. 'It's really nice out here.'

'It is.' I reply and look at the sun setting.

'I still can't believe we're married, you know.' he says, stroking my hand with his thumb.

'Me neither. I always imagined that I wouldn't settle down until I'm much older, but here we are. Twenty-four and twenty-three, happily married.' I say with a smile.

'For now.' he jokes.

I hit him softly on his upper arm. 'Keep saying that and it will change.'

Niall starts laughing, which brings a smile to my face. 'You're the best.' he says delighted.

'Can't be when you are.' I say with a wink.

He gets a smirk on his face. 'I mean it. You're the best person I've ever met.'

I stroke his hair, and smile to him. 'I love you Nialler.'


'I love you so much.' Niall says and roughly kisses me again.

I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me. He lays his warm hands under my shirt, all the way up to my bra and unhooks it.

I go with my hands through his hair and softly tug it. He quietly moans in the kiss, when one of my hands has slid all the way down to his pants.

He walks towards the bedroom with me, and closes the door behind us.

[A/n: Only 3 more days of uploading]

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