•Chapter 36•

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'I can explain Niall-' I say quickly, walking into his direction, but he cuts me off.

'You kissed Harry?!' he shouts in anger. 'When were you going to tell me that?'

'It happened after the MTV Music Video Awards. We went out with a couple of people, I had too many drinks..' I explain, and look at him with guilt in my eyes. 'He brought me home, and we kissed.'

'For a second I thought that what you just told me was the truth, but it was one big lie. What is it? Does Harry not want you anymore, so you try it with me?!' he responds harsh.

'It is true, all of it! It was a drunken kiss, a mistake. When we kissed, it was from the heart not a bottle of alcohol. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and that I did it in the first place, but you don't have to be so mean about it.' I yell back.

'You have nothing to be mad about Sam!' he replies even angrier.

'Neither do you, Niall! We're not together!' I scream back in frustration.

He takes a step back and nods. 'You're right. We're not together.' He tosses my phone to me and leaves the room.


'How does it feel to be reunited again with the boys of One Direction?' the presenter of Radio One asks me.

If only he knew..

'It feels great. I haven't seen them much the past year, so it's really nice to see them more often again.' I say in the happiest voice I can bring myself to talk with.

'What has your life been like after winning the x Factor?' he asks.

'Weird and really busy. In May last year, I still had to do my final exams in order to graduate. It was very weird and awkward for me, because I haven't been to school all year.' I say with a chuckle. 'I graduated, thank god. Ever since, I've been on tour, written an album, been to dozens of interviews and award shows. It's too crazy for words.'

'I bet.' he says laughing. 'How do you feel about what One Direction has accomplished so far? They have toured, released an album, their second album on the way, they-'

I quickly interrupt him. 'In November right?'

'Yeah. Have you listened to it already?' he asks.

'They have send me a few songs, but I haven't heard the entire album yet.' I reply, while thinking about the songs the boys did send me. 'They sound really great, but of course, they only send me the songs that they wrote themselves.'

'Alright, let's answer some questions from fans at home.'

I nod with a smile. 'I'm ready.'

'First question: "Did you actually damage Charlie's car like in the Before he cheats music video?" That's an excellent question.'

'That really is a good question, I love it. Let's just say that Charlie had to buy himself a new car.' I respond in all honesty and the presenter and I bursts out laughing.

'Don't mess with Samantha.' he says still laughing. 'Second question: "With who would you like to do a collab?"'

'Too many artists honestly. My dream would be to make as many collabs as possible, because I really like them.' I say with a smile.

'I'm sure everyone would die to hear those collabs. The next question is: "How do you feel about your artist name being Samantha, instead of your full name?"'

I again burst into a fit of laughter. 'I mean, a lot of people can't properly pronounce my name anyway, and I quite like it. It makes me feel pretty cool, like you have Adele, Rihanna, Zendaya and then Samantha. I'm part of the one name artists.'

After asking a few more questions, we've reached the last question. 'It says: "Have you ever had/Do you still have a crush on someone from One Direction?" I mean, look at the boys, you must have had at some point or still have at least one, right?'

I instantly get very shy and quietly speak into the microphone. 'I have one.'

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