•Chapter 54•

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Touring, touring, touring. That will be our lives for the next few months.

Can you imagine what the lads are like while travelling in the tour bus? Now, imagine if you add their best friend to that. That equals total chaos.

Believe me.

You would think that because Louis is so hyper during the show, that he wouldn't be on the bus. Well, I was wrong.

He keeps annoying everyone on the bus, and we don't have Eleanor right now to keep him calm. Where is Eleanor when you need her the most.

'Are you excited to perform with us Sam?' 'Sam?' 'Sam?' 'It will be so different from your shows.' 'Sam?' 'We don't have that whole dancing routine or break down thingy that you do.' 'Sammy?' 'Saa-haam?' 'I hope you're ready to run around and have fun on the stage.' 'Sammy?' 'Saaammy?'

'Hush!' I shout and laugh while getting out of the toilet. 'Can't you just let a girl go to the toilet in peace?'

'Does it look like I can?' he asks back, and I chuckle.

'I'm really exited to perform with you lads. I know that your shows are a lot different than mine, but it will be fine. Loulouuu, Loulouuu, Loulouuuu.' I reply back and join Niall on the couch again.

'Why don't we get a separate bus for Louis?' Niall says while laughing, and wraps his arm around me.

'But then it will be so boring here.' Louis responds and let himself fall on the couch and a bit on Harry.

'That's the point.' Harry says grinning, while shoving Louis off him.

'How am I going to survive months like this?' I ask dramatically to the ceiling of the bus.

Louis bursts out into laughter. 'Yeah, you made a big mistake Sammy.'

I nod and look at him in all seriousness. 'I know.'

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑫 | 𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now